HubPages Is Still Practicing Censorship

If you're a regular follower of mine, you may notice that I have not been posting on my Hive-Blog channel as frequently as I have done so in the past. The reason for it is that I have been actively publishing articles on my Hubpages channel. I started doing so again more often than before, because I had thought that HubPages had lightened up on its community guidelines regarding what can and cannot be published on that writing platform. I surfed around throughout the HubPages writing platform and I came across more controversial articles than before in which the advertisements had not been disabled. Whenever the Quality Assessment Team at HubPages feels that the contents of an article is somewhat overly sensitive for their writing platform, they will either disable its advertisements or not allow for it to be published at all.

If you have read a great number of my articles here on my Hive-Blog channel, you probably realize by now that I am no stranger to controversy and that I am no fan of censorship. Well, if you're thinking about joining the HubPages writing platform, I can tell you right off the bat that it is a terrific place to get your valuable work published and for you to make money on it. However, if you do so, be prepared for a Quality Assessment Process that involves G-rated minds.

I recently published an article on my HubPages channel about Justice Neil Gorsuch. Therein I brought up the subject of capital punishment and assisted suicide; but because I specifically elaborated on the legal aspects of both of those subjects, the thought that the advertisements in my article would be disabled because of the controversial nature of its content did not even cross my mind. I was even careful about how I worded the contents of this same article to give it a professional appearance so that readers would find it appealing. However, before I even submitted this same article for approval, some kind of computerized mechanism on the website alerted me that all advertisements would be disabled on my article because of the sensitivity of its contents.

Now, I completely get it. Writing platforms that use advertising have to cater to the Puritanical expectations of major companies and corporations that provide them with revenue in exchange for being able to advertise their products and services on their websites. However, I had thought that the companies and the corporations that advertised on HubPages had matured beyond a G-rated school of thought, because I had recently come across articles on that writing platform that had PG-rated, PG-13-rated, and even R-rated content, and all of them had advertisements on them and the Hubbers (the writers on the HubPages platform) were making commission off of them. How was I to know that nothing had changed on that writing platform in that regard since the last time that I had published on it? Actually, I had published an article on my HubPages channel not too long ago that delved into an R-rated topic, and none of my advertisements on it were disabled.

After I got the above-described alert on my article about Justice Gorsuch, I clicked onto a link that took me to a website that laid out all the guidelines to me of the dos and the don'ts of publishing on HubPages. After reading them all, I began to question what exactly was left over to publish without getting dinged on one controversial thing or another.

Oh, brother! Now I begin to wonder when the Steem writing platform is going to start doing the same thing as HubPages now that they show advertisements all over their blockchain. It could explain why so many former Steemians came over here to the Hive writing platform. They wanted to steer clear of the storm of censorship that may be invading the Steem writing platform sooner or later.

Anyhow, to make a long story short, I submitted a complaint to Team HubPages and told them that I had found other articles regarding capital punishment and assisted suicide that pushed more boundaries than my article did. They must have taken what I stated to them seriously, because they took no time in turning on all of the advertisements on my article. It made me want to jump for joy, but it also disappointed me inasmuch as I really had believed that the HubPages writing platform had finally followed the example of the Hive writing platform and decided to spare its writers the indignities of censorship.

If you're having second thoughts about joining HubPages only because of what I have told you herein, do still give it a try. There is a great number of interesting people you will meet on that writing platform, and it gives you all the tools you need to get started in publishing articles for money. Evie Sparkes explains everything about it in her YouTube video below.

Evie Sparkes Explains How You Can Make Money On The HubPages Writing Platform

I am someone who likes to delve into the controversial. However, it looks as though my writing endeavors on my HubPages channel will be limited to human-interest stories and politics. Be warned that if you do join HubPages and decide to get on one of their discussion threads to share your political opinions, you will find that those things can get really heated. In any event, I had been thinking about publishing an article about QAnon on my HubPages channel. However, I'm going to have to publish that article here on my Hive-Blog channel instead, because I know that I won't get confronted with censorship here.

If any of you have a HubPages channel, feel free to tell me about your experiences with that writing platform in the comments section below. I'd be interested in knowing if any of you have encountered any problems with their Quality Assessment Process and the Puritanical guidelines that are involved in it. You may not get rich publishing on that writing platform, but you will find it rewarding.

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