The Mythical Curse- Chapter one

Chapter One

Deep within the forest, in the outskirts of Silister, lived a widow named Sara Keeth. Many tall tales say, Sara Keeth has grown into a stone cold elder full of hatred and will not ease up her stride of evil forces with the ambition to get even. For when Sara Keeth was young, she lost her father causing her family to shatter. All in which, Sara blames her pain barring life on the King of Silister.

Sara's mother soon after the happenstance of being widowed, lost all of her sanity.

Therefore, Sara and her four siblings were then taken to separate parts of the world. Ever since then, Sara's heart had grown cold against the King of Silister village, and all those loyal to him.

Now living on her own, going about her business she seemingly never connected with anyone living in Siliter.
Not once engaging with a single person in the whole fifty years she lived there.
One day, Sara had a motive to finally begin her purpose and go to the village to try an retrieve some books on how to create a spell in hopes to find a way for eternal revenge!

Days later, Sara began to walk about the village staying to herself like always.
Nearby villans would whisper amongst others with a glance of uncertainty, some even grabbed their children, some feeling the oddness she bore quickly closed their doors and windows...others didn't even notice, carrying on their day.She finally reached the local monastery house of books in which she has visited many times before since childhood. Always having a love for knowledge an adventurous reading.

Remembering one day, years back, noticed a few dusty books in the far back row. Sara never really paid much mind to them throughout her visits. This day, however, was different as she curiously mingled through the musky worn books, trying to make out the cover readings. She realized why the books were practically hidden from view an unused.

In fear of even holding such forbidden writings, she quickly put them back… covering them with others, so as to come later for she was intrigued and wanted to understand more of what this forbidden books were all about., … hoping this would be a good start in getting revenge with her own curse. As she started to leave, she changes her mind and seeing no one was around, quickly went over to the dusty collection of macabre writings.

Inconspicuously grabbing the forbidden writings, placing them in her stretched inner pouch.
Sara was then shaken by surprise as Donter the bookkeeper suddenly approached Sara asking,

“Why are you so skittish today Sara?” Donter said with a short laugh then continues with,

“I can keep secrets…. well I at least try to hide them… I see you found my secrets and now your hiding the forbidden writings as well huh?”

“Humbug!” Sara said to the Donter as she nudged him aside heading towards the door

“Besides, if they are like you say, then why do you have them?" Sara asked

"Um, well,” replied Donter the village bookkeeper

“I was cleaning and arranging my shelves years ago, a hidden shelf fell and behind were these books. I knew I should not destroy them, bad luck I hear...I set them over there behind other books so as to hide them from others. Cannot let those get into the wrong hands you know? They have been untouched, collecting dust and webbings ever since.” He replied with confidence a chuckled,

“Well,” Sara stated
"If you ask me, I have never seen nor heard of such books.” Walking away then stops, turns around making eye contact with Donter saying, “Do you understand gesture in my words Donter??”

Donter so shaken and unable to respond just stood there. To him, it felt like hours… seconds later he gasped for air as she dashed out of the monastery behind her and headed on her way back to her lonesome cottage.

Later that night reading endlessly, hot stew steaming with a fragrance of fresh olives, one candle lit which gave the whole house an eerie feel of solitude but inhabited. Sarh could not seem to put the book she came to love down.

As the hours passed, she was forced to take a break when her candle melted with wax glaze, coating her table. Some wax dribbled around her soup dish and dripped off the edge of the table, leaving a wax-cycle perched on the edge with subtle drips of hot wax hitting the rugged floor. Once the candle swindled out, Sara sighed putting the book down.

Sipping periodically on her now cold stew, sets the bowl down, rocking endlessly back and forth in the dark, slowing moving her fingers around the edge of the bowl, smiling and pondering in the dark.
Slowly Sara nodded off to sleep…. a deep dark eco dream...
As Sara continued to dream on this cold crisp night, subtle clouds over the light of the moon swaying endlessly back and forth, with sweat starting to seep out her pores, with a heavy sputter of confession.

“Come closer!” says an unknown figure way in the back of a big dark room.

Sara then saw a pair of wings in all four corners… each moving in corresponding but opposite directions. Looking closer, rain droplets were falling from one set of wings but smoke was rising from the others…Sara, then in confusion as to what she was seeing, wondered closer in dismay. Looking around for the voice that called her name.

Hard to see, she waves her arms periodically as to find her way closer to the wings of mystery smoke and rain.
Then, she entered what seemed like another room… a different room than before. Confused she quickly looked back, saw the long feather-like wings fly away. Sara turned around…over and over again as she faintly heard the voice speak again!

“Nooo.. look closer!”
Not sure of the direction the voice was coming, now scared and lost, Sara screams

“Who is it? Why…. ..who," she said panting.
She then noticed every time she spoke, feathers of a strange bird would come out her mouth. All the feathers were dipped blood red, except one feather made up of many different bright colors, illuminating the entire room. For the full-color feather just endlessly floated further away but seemed to stay close.
Soon, a gaze of in and out contrasting colors then filled the room… a dash of what seemed like little hands falling from the ceiling as snow from a heavy white cloud. Sara then in a panic, starts to run up a long hallway. This hallway was going up but she would fall further down the more she climbed….

---Hours later

Waltif and his men were at a complete standstill as to what was before them, no more than half a day's journey left to Sara's cottage.

“Waltif” said Hudder

“What do you suppose this is sir? A sick prankster perhaps?” Waltif did not respond but continued to lay his eyes on the unthinkable.

Olaf then rides up next to Hudder shrugging in disbelief as well.

After few more moments of silence, Waltif then demands his men to hold back
“Do not follow me” Waltif demands as he gets off his horse… holstering his reins to a nearby tree
His eyes still fixated on what looked like dozens of skeleton bodies hanging upside down.
The fog surrounding the area made it hard to see how many bodies were spread about
“Who and why did someone do this?” Waltif thought to himself
Looking closer he noticed something that shook his inner core…
The bodies hanging, where all traitors, slain by the Kings very own sword
Shaking his head in dismay, Waltif then walks back to his men, who are eager to hear his conclusion.

Waltif now pale stricken, slowly grabs the reins putting both hands on his saddle, hands limp, signs, then says
“Whoever did this, did it for a reason, I am not sure what reason this may be. I do know this… all these men, all were traitors, slain by our king Lunner.”
Hudder then said, “Sir, how do you know this? The traitor's heads were taken from the body an put on stakes for display? But these bodies..their heads are connected?”
“Do not be so foolish Hudder!” Waltif snapped back,“The heads on those bodies, they are not of the traitor….they are heads of pigs, dogs, and one looked like the head of a chicken…”

Hopping back onto his horse, Waltif then says

“The king put the heads on traitors on display to send a message, the traitor who did this is sending a message to the King. To me, Sara is the main focus of suspicion from the beginning of weird occurrences within Silister! Knowing her past and forbidden practices, she is considered a traitor!"

“MEN!” Waltif spat in anger,"
“Let's go deliver a message to Sara Keeth!”

King Lunener sent Waltif, his men to bring Sara a personal message sealed with the King's own wax seal.
In the letter, only King Lunner knew what the message entailed. For he thought of giving Sara a warning instead of death if convicted. Seeing King Lunner was afraid as to what Sara could do if much more than a warning was given.
Subtle chatter continued as the King's men continued to ride on through the day. Everyone became still an unmoving like the skeleton men horseback.
Hudder rose his hand up, pointing with the other saying with certainty,

“Hey… there.. that Sara's cottage!”

“Surround the cottage, with ease and caution! Hudder hand me the letter.”
Waltif said

This time when he got off the horse, his eyes were fixated on stopping this nonsense once and for all! Just outside her house, some stayed back further than others, as Waltif, the leader, slowly but boldly made his way to the door.
Most, if not all of the men, began to feel the worst presence ever known, the presence of death!


Came a knock at Sara's door, awakening her from this nightmare in which seemed so real.After no response, others looked around in fear, horses began to buckle and jerk back as well.
Waltif gaining his courage proclaimed, “Sara Keeth, this is deputy Waltif speaking, and I am here on behalf of the King of England!”Still nothing now more uncertain as to what to do next continues,

“Sara Keeth, you in there, Miss?” He said once again as he continued to pound on her molded uneven door.

“No, I'm not!” Sara sarcastically yelled as she opened the door. Being caught off guard to see what looked like dozens of the king's men standing on her property.

“What the blazing fernery is all this?” She continued after regaining her composure.

“Ah, sorry Miss, to disturb you.” Waltif nervously stated

" I’m here on be-"

“I know! I know!” Sara interrupted Waltif

“I heard all of this gabber while you were hollering outside my door! What I mean is, what's the King’s regards, Sir?”

“Call me Waltif, Miss,” he replied as he pulled out the letter from the King.

He held it in front of her to take, but she just stood there looking stunned and worried with fear.

“Uh, Miss, this letter is for you,” Waltif concluded

“Hmm, yes,” She grunted, grabbing the neatly folded and stamped letter with the King's personal symbolic wax seal.

" Many apologies," she said, With a sarcastic manner, she adds, “With respectful intentions, may I ask what this is about and why so many of the Kings noblest men are needed to deliver something as simple as a letter?”

“Sorry Miss.” Waltif replies “ The King himself wrote the letter. Then without letting anyone see it, he sealed it with his very own symbolic seal,” pointing to the letter saying,

" Nobody, I included Miss, have seen it. Just the King himself.”

“Yes, of course.” She added.

“And what about the man men must I ask yet again!?” Afraid to not offend her by telling her the true reason, Waltif said with nervousness in his voice, “For protection, Miss.”
“Protection?” She asked

Seeing that she was about to ask, protection from what, he quickly changed the subject.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss?”

“Humph!” she grumbled under her breath as she made eye contact with him. Sarcastically she replied, “Yes, yes, there is. Go! All of you! You calling me Miss all the time is bothering my tenderest of nerves!”

“Sorry, Mi-,” Waltif began to say, but was heeded by Sara slamming shut the door, just missing Waltif for he backed up far enough not to be hit by the door, but close enough he could smell the molded wood, moist and potent of age.

Sara once inside reluctantly opened the letter and started to read aloud. “Sara Keeth of Siliter village,” she began, then continued to read very softly. “Even under the privilege of living in the outskirts of our village, the law of all the lands forbid any such practice in any form of magic. Good intention included. Though only rumors at this time, if found guilty, a penalty of death will occur. Kindest regards, King Lunner"

Scoffing she continued with

“Who knew I was practicing a--?” She cut that question short, after noticing all the books and demonic symbols about her house. “Well, I guess it would be a little notic–, but who would blab such… ah, wait!" She said now pacing about the room.

“That Waltif guy has been snooping about my place for some time now, I’ll bet that good for nothing, …ooh!” Now sitting, she mimics Waltifs voice. “ It’s stamped with the King’s very own wax seal. Nobody’s seen it but the King himself.’ Ha!, I'll get even.”Frustrated with hate, she began thinking about what to do. She would no longer be able to continue her passion. For just as she was getting so good at possessing people with all kinds of curses, too! She was even now beginning to make her very own positions of her own upbringing!

“No one can take this away!” She proclaimed in rage

“He took away my father, my family, and...and now this!”Sara threw the letter across the room, making it land beside her books and the now cold hard wax spread about. This would ruin the king and Waltif as well.As Sara lay to sleep, she tried to ignore all that went on a few hours back. Finding herself still awake after some time, she came to the conclusion that sleep was out of the question. She reluctantly got up and did what she always did when anxious. Read. Reading always seemed to get her out of the mental state she was in, and out of its worries.

Sara picked up a book that she read at least five times already, she slowly turned to where she had left off last. After a page or so, to her surprise, Waltif and the letter were still on her mind. Frustrated beyond control, she jumped out of her rocker and began to pace heavily, stopping every once in a while to mumble about what to do. Never completely satisfied, she’d pick up the pace again.

After an hour or so had passed, she sat down to rest. She was still aggravated for having no solution. Then, looking down at the book she was reading, she noticed two others lying next to it. Tilting her head, she reads The End of All Roads and The Book of Curses. Interested in the later she picked it up, pushing the others aside. Flipping here and there she stopped suddenly near the end of the last chapter. What she read there seemed to relate perfectly to the King and what she was trying to do. It was all be right there in the book of curses! This curse could finish off the King and Waltif!

“This is perfect!” she said

Sara was overwhelmed with what she had just seen. It could be the solution she'd been looking for. She laid the book down on her lap and said with an arrogant tone in her voice, “Not only will this curse get me even with Waltif and the King himself, but all who love the King as well! I said I would get even with them, and me being a person of great pride in always keeping promises, I will see to it that I keep this one as well! I'll start first thing tomorrow morning! Better yet, before sunrise!”

Laughing aloud she placed the book aside and headed to bed once again. Spreading the sheets about her body, she remarked with an evil tone just before falling asleep, "Thank you, my Great One! Thank you!”The next day, after getting up early, she got right down to business, flipping through pages and trying to find the curse she’d found the day before.“Ah ha! Found ya!” She read, “The Curse of Two plus One, Equals power, in Sector Four.” She continued to read aloud.

“This curse is in two sections; Power, and Death. It will work the way it’s intended to work if used correctly. Though it is a one piece source curse, it'll work if the two pieces are put together making one. To learn more about the two-piece curse, go to sector 4.2. To continue with the one source curse, keep reading this page.

To make this work correctly, you must:

-First, have a name for the curse.

-Second, create a source that the curse will harbor its power in and out of.

-Lastly, give up your own soul by summing the Angel of Light, with these three words, repeated six times in unison:

‘Usma Togoda Listo.’

Once this is done, thy soul who giveth will then be granted thee the powers and ability to control the desired curse with all powers given, till death.

Whoever possesses the cursed source will have many alternatives and outcomes determined by how or what thy giver doeth with the source. This source is alive, and if harm is in its way, it'll trample it. Whoever possesses the cursed source must protect it and do its commands, or they will be tormented to death, so that it may survive.

For let it be written;

“Death of one brings this cures alive, the faith of many, keeps it alive!” Sara finishes reading then proclaims,

“Oh bother! Even an amateur wouldn't need this much help!” Sara said with a sigh.
“Enough is enough!”

Figuring out her next step, she tossed the book aside and tried to think of a source that could harbor the curse. She looked around her house in hopes of seeing anything that looked promising. “No luck! Humbug!”

Then her eye’s fell on the letter the King had sent her. Her mind quickly turned to the seal on the back, saying, “Of course! This is perfect! The seal of the King will be the cursed source. A cursed seal! The seal represents not only the King but all who honor him! For it is said, that all who love the King, love the seal! Now all I need is a name for this seal.”

After many different attempts, she finally settled on " Power over their Souls!"

Realizing all she had done, she began saying while laughing, “I created a curse, named the source, and now it’s ready to dominate and control all who accept it from within!”

Then, without warning, she began to twitch and ache all over, yelling uncontrollably. The room suddenly got cold.
Darkness fell upon the eerie room causing Sara to be slammed to the floor. Unseen demon spirits engulfed her inner soul. Her chest heaved as she started to scream in horror, and she covered her ears in an attempt to stifle some of the noise she created within herself. As the room got darker and her heart grew colder, the scream did so, as well. Soon, Sara could no longer hear nor see. She began to feel every limb of her body fade away like a chant in the wind.

Then the twitching stopped. The screaming and the shaking ceased and the heavy breathing died down to the point where Sara was near death and hope. For her nerves and brain were starting to shut down, but somewhere unlike ever before she could hear a slight scream as if in pain. It soon got so loud that she attempted to cover her ears once again, but was no luck for not being able to move anything.

So, as she lay there limp and numb, she waited, not knowing what to expect. Shortly after, a sudden hush fell upon the room, and it seemed like nothing had ever happened. Just like that, there was nothing but silence. Then, as if something had hit the wooden door and shutters in the windows.

The silence was destroyed as wooden cottage shook so vibrantly that nearly all the wood started to split off becoming small dagger-like splinters, piercing anything in its path.. Sara in horrifying excitement, watching as her creation come to existence started swinging around, arms wide open, the gift she made for the king in her left hand held up high as she spun faster and faster, laughing louder and which held the curse. The wood daggers now bigger than before, was cutting her flesh and leaving traces of her blood on the floor. Soon blood was everywhere.

Meanwhile, she continued to hold tight the cursed seal wrapped in a message to the King ever so tighter against her bosoms. Forcing out another sentence with all the energy she could release, Sara states; “Once King Lunner, ruler of Silister reads this message, I behold, the cursed seal of the king will open an then the portal of complete power and domination will bestow!”

Sara then slowly staggered to one knee then said her last 3 words,

“ Usma! Togoda! Li...sto!.’

With that, she inhaled her last breath and as she exhaled her last as well, her heart and soul floated out her mouth and eyes and into the source of the curse she was holding.

Now dead, Sara left nothing behind to be remembered for, except two lonesome things,
A worn down cottage and a reply message clinched close to her chest with her eyes and mouth wide open.
For within this source, holds a message, which holds the curse.

When released, the king unknowingly will awaken the beginning of the greatest evil Silister or perhaps, mankind has ever seen!


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