Arbitrary Anonimity

"Mam", what is this reference directed at my person?
Am I that implied?
Have I become something less or more than my name,
what an arbitrary notion of relief to be undefined and not asked of beyond my own will.
lighter in existence freer in thought,
I ought to not struggle in ego,
let it pass, let it linger as a zephyr.
Take the zephyr of thought and it will ascend,
Clear your anguish.
Ad tone to your song and mend
Teeth clench enrolls
let to a better night, draw a new coal,
Fuel this gargantuan glimmer
Make a memory like the bird in a cold dusk welcoming the twilight,
Like a differing glance peering as I ride
To the light of daylight and a differing night.

A poem by coral8 (written whilst standing in the cue at the housing office after a period of sudden homelessness)
Blue Birds 3.jpg

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