Another Small Press closes; readers lose their Amazon reviews; Indie Authors lose another voice: Superversive

Another small publisher is closing its doors.

Readers are being asked to repost their reviews at Amazon.

We have written to Amazon about possibly getting (the missing reviews) put back. If this does not work, we will ask you, our intrepid readers, if you could repost any reviews that you posted.

No more New Releases like these:

#1 Amazon Bestselling and award-winning author, Jon Del Arroz

Will writing and publishing become a hobby --

like quilting, crafting, and creating stuff for our own personal enjoyment, maybe some family and friends?

No! No! No!
I refuse to be so disillusioned...

Superversive Press

wants to make Fiction hopeful again. Join us in making a heroic, inspirational and uplifting future for fiction!

How many books and reviews went missing?

We were able to get some of (John C. Wright's) books back up on Amazon. These are nonfiction. His fiction that had been with Superversive is going to Silver Empire.

I can't find much about it online. My first source was a thread on MeWe, then 2017 Dragon Award nominee L Jagi Lamplighter Wright at Changes Afoot, where she talks about author/publisher John C. Wright:

Jagi, here.

Some of you may have heard, but Superversive Press–the publishing company that was publishing John’s more recent books and some of his older ones–has shut down. This means that any links you have for John’s new books are no longer any good.

The non-fiction and possibly, in the future, some fiction collections, are now posted on Amazon directly by us. The fiction that is not in the hands of Castalia House, Tor, or Theogony Books, is going to Silver Empire and will be appearing again over the next few months.

Currently, the reviews are gone from The Last Straw and From Barsoom to Malacandra. We have written to Amazon about possibly getting them put back. If this does not work, we will ask you, our intrepid readers, if you could repost any reviews that you posted. I believe I was able to copy all but one review. If we need reviews reposted, I will post the ones we have here, so that if you posted one before you can just cut and paste your old review.

2017 Dragon Award nominee L. Jagi Lamplighter


is a fellow Steemian and #Pulp-Rev founder, with stories published by Superversive Press. E.g.,
PLANETARY: MARS is out! — Steemit

More from the thread on MeWe

Machine Trooper | 2 days ago

I also hear the big tradpubs have worked out a deal with 'Zon to start releasing their enormous backlists, selling them at competitive prices.

Indie Author | a day ago

Ugh, that is not good news for us. IMO many readers in general still regard indies as losers who couldn't get their books published by "real publishers."
Even tho Big Publishing puts out a lot of unreadable dreck, they will still buy it and read it because they're too snobbish to try an Indy.
I noticed this recently in a local book club. Book suggestions included independently published books and Trad pub. They always pick the books that the culture is pushing right now rather than trying out something new.


Long Live the Indie Authors, Small Presses, and Writing as a Career!

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