Skipping Stones on the Stream of Thought - #2


I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas. It's a good time to reflect back on the previous year and look forward to the new. 2018 is going to be an eventful time. Reminds me of that old Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times".

Or how about an Arabic variant? "May all your wishes be instantly granted". The lesson here is be careful what you wish for. As we roll out our plans for the new year be considerate of the law of unintended consequences and don't entertain fools.

I recently wrapped up the next installment of the Flint knappers series (The Flint Knappers - Chronicles) while leaving it open for a continuation. I learned a lot from publishing this series that I intend to apply to the next. Lessons learned include both getting accustomed to writing on a regular schedule and the mechanics of steemit publishing.

I want to try something a little different but still stick to the episodic format. I'm thinking either sci-fi based on a 5 minute freewrite I did about an old derelict ship that gets restored as a bar and flies around to different places looking for business, or possibly a noir/private investigator sci fi series. Or maybe something that I haven't thought of yet.

Whatever I decide on I want to write it mostly in advance so that when I start publishing I don't have to worry about the story feeling rushed. There are a few writing contests that are still in process so I want to be careful not to spread my time too thin.

Having a blast, thanks to everyone on steemit. It's still a grind but I'm learning something new every day and I can envision my path moving forward. Onward and upward.

Title image provided pixabay user: jacob_mckinley

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