Leaving America...??? Maybe

Although I was born and raised (mostly) here in America (two years overseas) I've been thinking about leaving... There seems to be a growing population leaving, not just America, but other previously celebrated countries; like Australia, Germany and England. The only 'sad' part of that is their reasons for doing so in my opinion...especially us old-timers...


While searching the 'retire in' Thailand, or Mexico, Philippines, Central America, South America and other places, I'm finding a 'lot' of happy expats living in these places. Now I'm not talking about obviously paid actors on sites which broadcast for 'services' like "buy a condo" or "cheap land for sale" etc...I'm seeing these happy people just posting to show others how 'happy' they truly are with their move.

One of the most common raves from expats in these countries is the lower cost of living; their money not only goes further for necessities, they actually can afford a few luxuries as well. How about a monthly rent for $150. to $200. dollars? Here in America, if your a low income senior citizen you might qualify for 'subsidized' housing at typically 1/3 of income...but, that would take $400. out of your pocket if you fit within the $1,200. dollar a month average Social Security recipient. 


Then there are the food prices which have been not just 'creeping' up over the past few years, but taking huge 50 to a hundred percent jumps...One of the only cheese I regularly buy has just recently increased in price by 75% as an example. Look at the price of low grade ground beef, with the bones, brains cartilage and who knows what other emulsified extenders added to it. Is 6 to 8 dollars a pound worth wasting your money on? I don't think so...and neither do many other Americans according to what I see at the market. The shit sits there in abundance, even on busy shopping days.(that's a big plus for the Steers though) Poor things are abused to the hilt.

How about the $15.00 tolls in New York City...??? They charge you fifteen dollars to either visit New Jersey, or come back...Is Jersey worth that kind of financial oppression? I think not. But hey...if you want to get to Pa., De. or any place outside of NYC, you HAVE to pay the price...like a punishment for wanting to escape the governmental oppression they have going on there...


Did you know that you can hop on a mini bus in Thailand for about ten cents? Some places in America offer a senior citizen discount on public transportation. My area actually issues a 'free' bus pass to old folk, but you'll maybe have to wait an hour or more in the freezing cold for a bus to arrive. In Thailand, private transportation is about as far away as a sneeze... How about breakfast for under a dollar? Perhaps a bit more depending where you go...but, possible. Stay away from the $3.00 mango though; why they are so expensive is beyond logical explanation.

I love our America...the beauty of its landscape, but people have really fucked it up terribly. People who run governments, corporations, institutions and the like have been infiltrated by the most corrupt, incompetent scumbags in existence. As an old 'blues' song puts it, "wrong people in charge" 

That's about it for now my fellow humanoids...I'm outta here.

Regards, @angryman 

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