Journal From a Submariner IV

I keep forgetting to tell you how fucked up my back has gotten. Everywhere I sit I have to slouch because no chairs on this boat are comfortable. I even slouch in my rack.
Today was a pretty easy day of watch since I got 8 hours of sleep last night. We had two hours of clean up tonight after watch and we have field day in the morning. Well, I guess technically I don’t because I’ll be driving, but it’s the principal. But, we do have to clean for 2 hours after tomorrows watch also, fucking gay. Middle, Wylo, Mike D., and I cleaned back in shaft alley, and bullshitted the whole time during clean up though, so that kind of made it go faster. We talked about all our friends back home, and our siblings.
It sucks so much because I want to talk to someone about us. Just the shit we have done together, and where we have gone in our relationship, but I can’t because that’s all mine and your things to share. I’m just going to have to wait, and talk to you about that, when I get back.
I love you so much gorgeous, and I’m always thinking of you.
Today on watch, we were all talking about how wives cheat on their husbands while they’re on West Pac, and I said something that I have been thinking for a while.
I’m not ever jealous of you hanging out with guys because you may sleep with someone. I’m jealous because it’s not me. I’m not worried you’re going to cheat on me ever. I’m pissed. I have to be out here while you’re hanging out with someone who’s not me.
I will never go on another submarine again, and I will never take a job that ever requires me to travel. My birthday is in two weeks. Crazy, I'll be 21 soon, and won’t even be able to buy alcohol. Oh shit, when I get back I’m going to be able to get you all liquored up, and take advantage of you. I’m excited. Love you, forever and always, love babe.

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