ADSactly Short Stories - Adventure Into the Unknown

ADSactly Short Stories: Adventure Into the Unknown

Image Source: Pexels

I recognize that as a technology blogger short story writing isn't exactly my area of expertise. But as a writer I think it is important to explore different types of writing. Even if you have a niche that you are especially good at writing about, it doesn't mean that you can't expand your horizons and focus on another area of writing.

Sometimes I find writing about technology topics to be a bit of a drag and other times writers block descends upon me as I try to jot down my next technology driven masterpiece on paper!

So in the spirit of staying to true to the words I've written above, I give you a short story which has nothing to do about technology! Here's a techblogger's attempt at nice bit of fiction.

Adventure Into the Unknown

A brisk wind struck the boy's face as he frantically ran down the path. A path of stone and rocks and twigs and moss. A gravel path once trodded upon at leisure. Sweat was dripping from his brow and forehead, a chill ran up his spine and the madness, the madness drove him even faster and deeper into the unknown.

His heart raced as if it wanted to get somewhere that only the blood coursing through his veins knew how to get to. This road. Who would have known, this cold hard unfeeling road would be the road to his redemption. It's worn down concrete, potholes and cracks held the key to a better life.

If he could just run a bit faster, and go a bit further, it may just be enough to get him out of dodge and save him from the beast that chased him.

He had to find the courage and strength needed to get away from the thing that had haunted him most.

The beast that had consumed his hopes and dreams and left him in a state that could be described as hopeless.

But how could he have strayed so far? He could have only gotten into this unbearable situation from a malestrom of bad luck and a more than a few wrong turns in life.

The wind was a brisk reminder how far he had strayed from what he had initally set out to do. The moonlight gave guidance and vision to his frantic escape from the monster that was chasing him.

He could hardly do anything besides sprint as fast as his legs would take him only slowing at brief intervals to pant and gasp for air. Aches and pains ran up his legs and spine as his body tried to cope with the damage caused from unrelenting and frantic escape. The mind pushing the body into maddness with itself.

Image Source: Pixabay

Fear is a terrible thing. Something he had never had to face so directly in his life. The fear of death couldn't compare to the boy's fear of not accomplishing his dream.

The dream that had driven him to wake up each day and continue to struggle and overcome life's many obstacles. The dream that blinded him from the present moment and demanded every single ounce of energy in dedication of it's pursuit.

Although still just a boy people had already begun mistaking him for a young man. Although he was only 14 years old, he was much larger than the other boys in his year group. He was lean, muscular and fit.

All the time spent playing sport paid off at this very moment. His heart pounded feverishly as a sprint for his life was the only thing seperating him from that of which he feared most.

After several hours of running he had become exhausted but he knew he had to keep going. If he stopped now all would be lost.

The sounds of the night cried out to him, the deafening orchestra of grasshoppers set against the occasional sound of leaves crumpling beneath his sneakers or tree branch cracking under his foot.

He had come a long way but his journey into the unknown had just begun.

The monster chasing him would give up until it had completely consumed him. It had resolved to continue chasing him without rest. It was completely intent on the absolute and total annihilation of this boy.

There was no point in denying it. This situation had become life or death and to the boy, death was not an option.

Image Source: Pexels

A fork in the road… Left, right, which one would it be…

He didn’t have the strength to think clearly, his body shook from the adrenaline and his legs ached of overuse.

He began to ponder and second guess his choice in the first place.

Would it really have been so bad to suffer the fate his friends had suffered and at least it would be over right?

The infection had spread so fast that by the time the authorities were even aware there was a problem they had already been infected themselves.

It didn’t take long for the whole town to become mad with this strange disease.

If only he hadn’t been so arrogant.

If only he had warned the authorities before the problem had gotten out of hand, well, there was at least a possibility this could have been prevented.

Image Source: Pexels

This was no time to become distracted with the possibilities of the past.

His choice was in the present moment. Left being just as good as right, he had no clear idea of how to end this chase triumphantly.

He became overwhelmed with self pity and sat down under a walnut tree nearby.

He breathed heavily as he fingers fumbled around, trying to find the bottle of water he had tucked away in his bag. He shook the bottle violently and tried to drink the last remaining drops of water that were left.

The situation was surely becoming dire. No food, no water, completely exhausted and not a clue how to fix any of these problems. Overwhelmed with guilt and self-pity he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

He opened his eyes. Stretched, yawned--morning, already? How long had he been out? For heavensakes, he could have at least had found better shelter for the night.

A quick glance around showed him no signs of the monster that had been chasing him. Thank God, but at the moment, hunger pangs in his stomach warned of a much bigger threat.

Image Source: Pexels

If he didn't find water and food soon, his body would no longer have enough strength to save him from the worst fate of all.

It was daylight now and he had made it no further than the fork in the road but the road seemed somehow different. There were birds chirping and the sun beamed down upon his face.

It was like he was being called upon to continue this journey, his misery had disappeared and a sense of hope filled his gut.

Down the road to the right it appeared there was some sort of building up ahead. The left fork didn’t look nearly as promising. He stretched out his legs and threw his bag over his shoulder.

His mouth was as dry as a desert and his face and arms were covered with mosquito bites. Instead of a sprint all he could manage was a brisk walk towards the building.

Anything was better than admitting self defeat. As long as his legs could carry him further there was a chance that things could be restored to normal. A chance meant hope and hope was all he had to cling to.

Perhaps the rest of humanity could survive the encounter with this strange disease and the monster carrying it?

Image Source: CliffHanger Press

Well folks, this was a techblogger's attempt at a nice thriller fiction piece. I'll admit that I'm still a beginner at best when it comes to writing fiction.

In the process of writing this piece I found that it pushed me to go a step further with my writing and I also was forced to make a significant personal investment in the editing and proofing of the story.

After all, a good story should flow naturally and take its reader to another place and time. A break from reality and a journey into fantasy!

Now, I'd like to ask @ADSactly society members for feedback about this short story.

I know there are a lot of really talented authors in the society and I have a lot to learn when it comes to writing compelling fiction.

What did you like? What did you feel could be improved? How would you end a story like this, assuming you wanted to give it a better level of finality? Your thoughts, opinions and feedback are appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

Image Source:


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