This is me :)

Hi unmet friends ... I have just begun this journey and have no idea where it will take me. A sense of excitement hangs in the air, yet a sense of confusion is wrapped around it.

I am based in South Africa, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I am honoured to call Cape Town my home but I know it will not be forever.

Myself and my family, husband Stefan and my son hunter, have just begun letting go of our lives. We have packed up and given away the majority of our stuff. Besides a few special memory items and my son's favourite toys, all we are left with are suitcases and our car.

We have no idea what's next or even where. Our hearts desire a life that embodies freedom but we are far too naive to know what freedom really is. So here we are, at the start of 2022 ... Jobless and expectant yet overwhlemed by the possibilities, both good and bad.

On Monday the 10th of January 2022 we get in our car and leave our home. I hope we leave more than our home, our old thinking, our baggage and traumas. But I know that it's not that simple, yet one can hope can they not?

I am 33 years young with a gorgeous 6 year old that will soon embrace being 7. My husband is a brilliant songwriter that dreams of the day he can write full time. And then there is me, an organizational queen that loves people and has a burning desire to see hope restored.

Welcome to my world, I'm not sure what it entails quite yet, but I am intrigued to find out more.

Please leave me your words of wisdom... I know I need it :)


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