AIA#59 Cure depression and healing w/ the Wim Hof Method

Back when I was living in Tokyo I would go running sometimes. I like doing physical activity like Kick boxing or going to the gym. It makes me feel amazing afterwards. One day I headed out to go on a run in the morning, I was living in Shinjuku at the time in a quiet neighbourhood. On this particular day I got winded and tired a little early and headed home. I shrugged it off as nothing to worry about.

A few months later I was walking up the stairs at a subway station. It was only one flight of stairs but I had to stop and catch my breath.

Now I was starting to worry.

I didn’t drink often maybe a beer or two a month and I ate well. I stayed away from sweets and junk food as a general rule. However, I continued to get experience tiredness and weakness at sporadic moments.

Someone noted how pale I was and I lost weight.

One day while on the subway I passed out and an ambulance came and got me. They took blood but nothing showed up. I went back three more times for blood tests and passed out in the doctors office. On my day off I would rest in bed and not be able to move. I was barely making it at work and not happy about that. It was a very hard time. I liked my job and liked to do good work. I made it through to the end of contract and headed back to the US to see a doctor. It turns out I had a low thyroid. They put me on meds and they helped a lot!

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The Wim Hof method has improved my overall health greatly! I’m only on day 9 but I swear it’s changed my life.

At first I was sceptical of it because it’s so simple. It includes breathing exercises, meditation, cold therapy and stretching. After a few days it was easy to implement these as habits.

Overall I feel amazing compared to how I felt before. I walk faster to work in the morning and look forward to my day. Also I’ve been able to run more than fifteen minutes straight. Something I haven’t been able to do since 2016. I still can’t believe it! Before I had resigned myself to never being able to run again or do kick boxing or anything that required being very physical.

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