Wim Hof Method Day 4

What’s up party people?… Recently I made a decision to try the Wim Hof method. I’ve had some some thyroid issues and I figure it can’t hurt. I’m on Day 4 now.

What is the Wim Hof Method?

It’s pretty simple, You do the breathing exercises stretching , take cold showers and meditation. I do yoga for 40 minutes and the breathing for about 10 minutes a day. But I find myself doing the breathing exercises a few times through out the day. It’s not difficult and especially after getting into a routine. The cold showers are the most difficult but I’m starting to get used to doing them as well.

I do find myself to be a little more relaxed throughout the day. Last night I went walking and found I had more energy than usually.

Apparently, doing all these things helps the immune system and people have claimed to heal chronic illness like crones disease and arthritis.

I have found that I sleep a little better at night and feel more refreshed in the morning. After the cold showers my body muscles feel way more relaxed.

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