The Old Dog Decides: To Make Friends With an Old Enemy!

The Dandelion. It's beautiful isn't it? It’s edible isn't it? It provides lots of vitamins and minerals doesn't it? It can be used in natural medicine can't it?   

The answers to those questions are yes, yes, yes and yes! Despite this I spent multiple decades viewing them as an enemy and digging the dandelions out of lawns where I lived and tossing them out as if they were some form of dangerous vermin.  But why?

I've decided to get to know this plant a little better! This one was growing on a little patch of grass in a parking lot!

In North America Dandelions are considered a pesky weed whereas in much of Europe and Asia they are valued for their incredible nutritional value.       

The Dandelion Has Many Uses!

The dandelion is one of the world’s most useful plants and can add much to your health and diet. It is rich in Vitamin A and potassium and is more nutritious than broccoli or spinach.    

All parts of the dandelion are useful. The young leaves can be used as greens in salads or in just about any recipe calling for spinach. The dried, roasted roots can be used for a coffee like beverage; and the blossoms, for wine! Wow!    

Throughout history the dandelion has been used as a liver tonic and cleanser, as a blood purifier and builder, and as a mild diuretic. It is also one of the top herbs in the Chinese medicine chest.   

Dandelions Seem to Grow Just About Everywhere! 

The big bonus? For people who have a lawn or access to a pasture, dandelions are free!  I’m going to try and make friends with this old enemy and use and appreciate it more!  It's time to go outside and pick some!

These were growing on a vacant lot in Lugano. That's a lot of salad and medicine available for free!

What About You?

  • Do people in your area harvest and use Dandelions?
  • Would you like to give them a try like I plan to do?
  • Do you have a favorite recipe or use for them?

Thanks for following me on my blockchain travels and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you.   

Until next time,    

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)   

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