On June 14, 2017

three upper class New England elitists were having fun as amateur investigative journalists on a YouTube reality show known as "[CrowdSourceTheTruth](". Apparently to increase viewership, the trio began warning the 2,000 viewers in the audience that a radiological device (so-called "dirty bomb") was headed for the Port of Charleston aboard the cargo ship MAERSK MEMPHIS.

Nana Akosua Baakan Agyiriwah 9 months ago

This video will be Part 2 of a YouTube Video playlist called "Is Crowd Source the Truth" An Intelligence Operation"? Ask A Psychic.

Excerpt: "It does appear that the George Webb, Jason Goodman and "Crowd Source the Truth" Operation has lost most of its steam. Particularly since the day they precipitated great concern over the Maersk Memphis Container on June 14, 2017 and the possibility that there may be a dirty bomb aboard. Consequently, George was arrested allegedly due to driving under the influence, over 12 agencies were enlisted to search the Maersk Memphis Container, finding no bomb. This lead to many allegations about the authenticity of George Webb and Jason Goodman and their team's "crowd sourcing" of information and speculation over whether George Webb is really an investigative reporter or just a reality show star on YouTube. It also brought George's brother, Dave Acton onto the scene with a flurry of information about their family challenges, further discrediting George Webb as a viable source of investigative information.

It has also incited several skeptics to go address the whole operation in a defamatory way along with anyone who has been showcased as being a part of it. YouTube alternative investigative reporters have been attacked while others have distanced themselves from George and Jason.

Unfortunately, this event has cause a ground swell of fear around demonetization and even the actual shut down of certain "truther" channels on YouTube and maybe even the Web itself."

For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog
I Ching (Y Jing) Discussions with Nana Baakan

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Special Thanks to a Four Picture Puzzle.


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