[Interactive Novel] White Hat Black Hat: Chose North

Note from the Author

If this is your first time seeing this please start at the beginning of the novel.

Path to get here

  1. [START] A New Beginning
  2. Contacted the federal authorities
  3. Chose North

Chose to Walk North

I started walking in the northern direction, it was still early morning but I felt the hot summer sun beating down on my back through the canopy of the trees. The forest seemed to be bustling with life. I could see the movement of birds and small animals through the foliage. I didn't know where to start looking for these headquarters, and I definitely expected the worst if I were not to find it. Without any plan or direction I kept on walking for the next hour or so. It was hard to really keep track of time when the only technology I had was a primitive pocket calculator. I was walking down a steep hill, and I looked up ahead and could make out a stream in an opening in the distance. I began walking toward the stream.

As I got closer to the stream I began seeing strange symbols and numbers carved on the tree trunks. I decided to try recording the numbers in the calculator as I thought they might aid me in finding the headquarters. I typed into my calculator "149", "15", "3141", "150", "398" each written on five of the trees I saw. The other two trees contained peculiar symbols:

These definitely seemed like some sort of clues. I decided to take a drink from one of my water bottles, and eat some peanuts as I was getting pretty hungry. Fortunately, the stream contained fresh water. My first thought was that the symbols seemed like some sort of map, maybe they could even be puzzle pieces. As for the five numbers, I had no clue. Maybe they corresponded to a date, longitude latitude, or were responsible for some sort of code. I often did puzzles where each number corresponded to a letter 1 - 26, A - Z, but none of these numbers besides 15 seemed to fit in that category. I had to think harder. Night had fallen and I knew I had to take quick action if I wanted to find the headquarters before tomorrow's end. Lost, and still a little hungry I knew my choices were limited. Startled I heard a sound in the distance, it was too muffled for me to make out, but it seemed human.

The Decision

Now it is your turn to decide, what should Alex do:

  1. Just start moving and look over the numbers later
  2. Analyze the numbers a little longer
  3. Start walking toward the sound
    ** Note these will be posted as links in the comments as soon as the posts are published so stay tuned, in the meantime feel free to vote in the comments with your decision and what you would like to see

#whitehatblackhat #mondaytothursdays #interactivenovel #alexrios #adventure #fiction #novel #puzzle

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