Do you like Whiskey ?

Men who have far-reaching eyes with whiskey in the dark bars are somehow romancing and cool. That's why I thought about putting a little brace and I tried drinking with a rock. I regret as soon as I should have made a high ball. If you are a tower, you will understand delicious whiskey and bad whiskey. But, if you use the power of science, you think that highball is delicious Even an amateur you know the taste of whiskey.

Artificial Tongue...

The research published by European research team is that artificial tongue identifies the quality of whiskey. Even if it is called an artificial tongue, it does not mean that he is just shaping a human velor just by calling so. We tested 33 kinds of whiskey, a polymer dyeing solution. The whiskey in this liquid and observed how the liquid changes with a fluorescent lamp. As a result, we succeeded in quality distribution in different categories such as difference malt, maturity level, country of origin. It could also distinguish two very similar whiskeys well.

Uwe Bunz - Uni Heidelberg, Ruprecht Karl University, who is one of the authors of the paper, found that when three different ingredients were added to the tongue equal liquid, three different changes were observed, respectively, the uniqueness of results when mixing several kinds. If you have this liquid, you just escape from whispering whiskey like to hang out. Of course, only profitable whiskey is not the aim of the experiment, it is possible to distinguish and classify various things using this liquid though it is possible.

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