Write to relieve yourself



And if you expressed your love, your friendship, your gratitude, your anger ... by letter?

Not so much longer than an email, but so much more durable!

What is it relieving ?


Write a letter, it frees.
Psychologists regularly use the letter as therapy. To write one's anger, one's sadness, one's shame ... allows one to free oneself from a weight, because the letter leads one to face it, with a fair distance.

After a stressful or traumatic experience, those who choose to write their feelings with sincerity free themselves more quickly. Writing thus makes it possible to pass more quickly from suffering and distress to calm and distancing, even to acceptance, reducing internal tensions and allowing energy and enthusiasm to be regained.

Who can we write to?


  • When managing a conflict: the person expresses his or her feelings about someone in a very raw way or applies the principle of nonviolent communication.

  • When managing a bereavement: it is to imagine that the disappeared person is at the other end of the world and to give him news, to explain to him how one lives the separation.

  • the letter of goodwill for oneself: one wishes there the best things, making a balance of the progress made. Writing about the near future is a powerful act, it is a prefiguration that can become reality.

One can also write to one's unconscious, one's inner child, one's addiction (bulimia, alcoholism ...), to write to forgive, to thank or to encourage.

What to do next with the letter?


  • Keep it for yourself (we can re-read it later)
  • Destroy it (cathartic effect)
  • send it (prepare to handle the impact of this letter)
  • To read it to the person concerned (big effect of well-being during a long month).

Namasté, Varda



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