Is Your Existence Essential?

"We change for two reasons:
Either we learn enough that we want to,
Or we’ve been hurt enough that we have to."

  • Unknown

If you are one of the many who harbors a distinct desire to change some aspect of yourself or your lifestyle, then, WELCOME.

It takes massive doses of courage to admit that you are dissatisfied with the way any part of your life is unfolding, because your options are limited to two things once you have realized some such truth about yourself:

You can take responsible action to change the situation
You can whine about how things should be

Collectively, we seem to be steered away from self-examination and are encouraged to reach for crutches such as medication, food, alcohol, TV, work, yoga or sex to deal with our faint feelings of dissatisfaction.

It’s all too common to be out of touch with what truly makes our lives worth living.

We are allured from our peaceful inner worlds with loud music, bright lights and the promise of a good time that we really should be a part of.

Given the choice between sitting alone and listening to the quiet whispers of the intuition or being swept away in the endless dazzle of entertainment that this life has to offer, it makes total sense that we can easily be dragged away from that quiet place where we can hear what it is that truly makes each of our lives worth living.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I do believe that arts and entertainment have a very important place in our world, and I am all for the flamboyant, out-there and adventurous. I do also realize that a great many people thrive in exciting, sensory stimulating environments.

In fact, many of the people I love most do adore the bright lights, loud music and energetic pulsing of a crowd and I love them for bringing that into my life.

However; for the purposes of this blog I would like to speak on behalf of the hushed whispers of intuition, which hide in the quiet places and tend to be ignored.

You must know, this journey is only for the proactive and patient seekers of Wellness amongst us.

This is Warrior’s work, to be realistically aware of both your strengths and your shortcomings.

Going through the process of radical self- examination is necessary, because once you know what tools you are working with, you’re less likely to use them as weapons, against yourself and others.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

  • Carl Jung

All too often we resist opportunities to know ourselves more intimately, perhaps because we don’t want to evoke the less admirable emotions buried inside, or maybe it’s because we are truly not ready to face certain aspects of ourselves.

But then again, maybe we don’t want to look too deeply into ourselves because we know just how much effort and persistence it takes to make any kind of lasting change in lifestyle…

By uncovering what Wellness means to you, more of what truly makes your life worth living will be incorporated into your everyday, naturally. I know this from experience.

For a great many, personal growth requires shedding what is no longer useful.

This process of release and re-build can be painful and exhausting, which is where my blog on #Wellness101
comes in.

These posts will show you how to Be Well everyday, in all kinds of small ways as you discover your own way to Wellness.

Without saying a word, you can begin to build your life around your own essentials of existence and learn to fill your energetic reserves easily, everyday.

It takes just two hands and a heartbeat to turn the page...

"You cannot change your destination overnight,
But you can change your direction overnight."

  • Jim Rohn

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