NEWBIE WELCOME BLOG..... There's animals pics. Just sayin'


My name is Kyla-Emma Kanieten:hawi Baldwin Theoret. Yes, my parents gave me the full-legal amount of names (that or they ran out of space on my birth certificate)
This is me :) 22236409_10212578894679681_546516431_n.jpg

Completely kidding. She's just my crush. This is actually me

Where am I from??
I come from 2 small towns that I both call my hometown; Deux-Montagnes and Kanesatake. Totally weird names right? Deux-Montagnes is French for Two-Mountains (just to clear things up) and Kanesatake is Mohawk for in between Mountains. I'm sure you're thinking "she must live in a beautiful mountainous region where the tips touch the sky!" Well, I don't. Both towns are within 20 minutes apart, in between 2 mountains and we're just a little over-enthusiastic about it. But I love them!

So who am I actually? What am I about and why am I here? (and importantly, why do you care??)
I'm a soon-to-be-22-year-old who lives in a beautiful house filled with 3 cats and 1 dog. I'm not anything sugar-coated, i'm not the most patient of people at times and, in the words of Cady Heron, "I have really bad breathe in the morning" I live in the gym, mainly because its part of my job, I love to smile, I love to learn, I love meeting new people, I love a good challenge and I love coffee (as I sit here with my Americano... with 3 shots)

My Job/Career
So I kind of hinted before that I live in the gym and I do! It's my happy place, my escape, my playground, my comfort zone. I train 3 days a week with weights and 3 days a week light-HIIT cardio. This is actually PART of my job. I am a young aboriginal fitness entrepreneur. I am based mainly online (my end goal is to be based solely online) and I have clients. I am in the literal beginning steps of building my social media following. As I said before, I LOVE to learn, I LOVE to be challenged and this job allows me to have new challenges everyday AND learn from them. Its the best of both worlds! And it makes me happy so if there's a third world, I have that too! I am a personal trainer, a body transformation specialist and training to complete my nutritionist certificate. I want to study in one of the most recognized Universities; Concordia, in Athletic Therapy to train athletes. Growing up, I've always been an athlete. I take such pride in that. I was and still am privileged enough to play sports. Softball for 13 years as catcher, Volleyball for 8 (both 6-on-6 indoor and 2-on-2 beach) and Ringette for 2. This is how I am able to do, what I do. And I love every single second of it. I cannot wait to continue taking new courses, learning from experienced people and expand my knowledge as wide as I can!


Shall we get personal? I think so. READER BEWARE

SO, as we all know, life isn't always lollipops and rainbows and unicorns with glitter horns. As much as we wish we could live in the music video "California Girls" by Katy Perry, it isn't really possible. We are only human and we can only do so much. We all do the best we can with what we have and this is PERFECTLY OKAY.
Growing up on a small, isolated Mohawk reserve as an indigenous girl wasn't always the easiest. I am lucky enough to have my mum (who you will soon learn is my hero) Without going into detail, my dad wasn't always involved with the nicest of people. Point blank. Leaving it at that, I had a somewhat rough childhood. BUT this is where my sports and my mum come into play. My mum, the brave women that she is, was able to take my younger sister and I away. Yes, I have an amazing sister too :) Though I wasn't the most rich in my upbringing, I was rich with family. I had my nana and papa and am still fortunate to have them both. I have my uncle and auntie too. They created memories that will always be kept. I had some amazing coaches for both softball and volleyball whom I am lucky enough to say that they are still apart of my life today.
I was 9 when my parents spilt and we moved out. We moved into a tiny little house in Deux-Montagnes. It was just my mum, sister and I. My mum had her cafe, she had her studies and she worked a full-time job as a Behavioral tech at our local highschool. Needless to say, she's Wonder Women. My dad left for a couple years and we didn't see him. 3 to be exact. It was hard to understand as a kid and I always blamed my mum. It was a confusing time with so many questions left unanswered and to this day, I still do not want them. My dad soon made his way home though and he met a women. She has been in our lives for 11 years now. Though we may not agree on everything, she gave me my sister and brother. YES, I have ANOTHER sister and I have a brother. I'm one fortunate big,big,big sister :) My sister, who is now 8, is my absolute pride and joy. She saved our family without a doubt. Fast forward to January 16th 2014; a day I will always remember like it was yesterday. My brother of 1 month and 2 weeks, passed away. This caused a domino affect within my family and I was the last one standing. I grew up very quick as a kid and became an adult at 19. I had to. Now, fast forward again to this day. Today, October 4th 2017, I sit here and write this blog, spilling the beans on a social media website to people who don't know me. Why? Because this is me. I thank God, the Creator or whoever is above me for giving me the challenges I have endured and the challenges I still endure to this day. My mum just bought her first house, nana and papa sold their burden of a house and are living sky-high (literally) in a beautiful condo, Kendra works full-time at a job she loves with hope to go back to college, dad wakes up everyday to the face of my little sister who saved us all, Taylor is finally being a kid and scrapping her knees up playing sandman in 3rd grade and I am here, writing this blog, still feeling gross from my awesome sweat I had at the gym this morning and I couldn't be happier :)

I have amazing siblings;
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I have a beautiful mum;
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I have a HUGE family;

I have AMAZING friends;
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and I have my health;

Honestly, what more could you ask for?

There is just soooooo much to say and I cannot wait to continue saying them; to teach and to meet new people. To continue sipping on this, now cold coffee and go back to my nutritionist exam. I'll probably call my dad later to say hi, at the same time i'll tell Taylor that her 2 big sisters are taking her pumpkin picking this weekend. To go take the elevator up to the 4th floor and have a cup of tea with nana and papa and for my mum to read my first blog. To continue taking in the little things and appreciating them.

Ok, I think i'm about done,

BUT, before this is wrapped up...

My Ruby girl

My Milo

My Phoebe and Salem

Talk soon!

xox (total Gossip Girl)

insta handle----------> kyla.emma30

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