Cumin Tea - Weight Loss Tea

Cumin Tea

Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon.
1 Glass Milk.
Black Tea 3 to 5 grams.
Sugar to taste.
Honey optional.

Take a pan.
Add a glass of plain milk.
Alternatively use one cup of water.
Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to it.
Boil milk and cumin seeds in low flame.
Let the seeds boil for 4-5 minutes.
Make sure the milk does not spills over.
Keep stirring if the milk is about to spill out of the pan.
Add Black tea one teaspoon or one teabag.
Brew it for 3 to 5 minutes.
Strain the liquid.
Add sugar to it.
Stir to dissolve.
Intake of the seeds along with the milk also works equally well.
Cumin seeds are good for health. They also get rid of all toxins from the body. Decreases Body heat.
Gives a natural radiance to skin. Improves skin texture.
Cumin seeds works first-rate for hair fall treatments.
Cumin seeds or anise seeds both have the same properties.
Anise seeds gives a sweet taste to the water. It adds a natural sugariness to the water.
Cumin seeds gives a distinct flavor to the water.
Cumin seeds water eliminates all the toxins from body.
Improves skin complexion.
Lessens body heat.
Makes all the internal organs stronger.
Cures and heals numerous illnesses of the internal organs.
Makes the body healthier and stronger.
Both anise seeds and cumin seeds both have the same effect and same properties in weight reduction. Anise seeds are also termed as larger cumin’s.
Anise seeds diverge in taste, they are sweet in palate and when boiled in water they add the water a natural pleasantness flavor.

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