Are carbohydrates responsible for weight gain?


Absolutely not! When we talk about weight gain we need to consider many variables:
• Health status/absence of inflammatory and chronic diseases;
• Sedentary life and stress that are the number one enemies of many diseases in addition to obesity;
• Incorrect nutrition, little changed rich in fats and simple sugars.
• Age and gender, little movement and different hormone levels that involve a physiological weight increase to keep under control.


Do you want to know if there is a pre-established quantity to be taken within a day? Well no, it does not exist and it is also difficult to calculate it.


However, there are guidelines that allow us to help in the task. In fact, in addition to the variables mentioned above, the body composition must also be evaluated! Do you have good muscle mass? And do you have an intense physical activity? Then you can safely consume more carbohydrates!


Not to be overlooked are food intolerances (gluten and lactose): in this case, it is suggested the so-called elimination diet in which those carbohydrates that can cause symptoms of different nature (gastrointestinal, dermatological, respiratory and neurological) are excluded. Once the symptoms have disappeared, the food can be reintroduced in small doses.

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