Weight loss baby steps.

So, a few years ago I went on a hard crash "diet", mostly just starving myself, and hitting the gym for multiple hours a day. I went from 250 pounds to 185 in only a few months. It was awesome and I felt great! But, inevitably, the unsustainability of this diet caught up to me.

 I started getting lazy. Started eating crap foods and wasn't watching my calories. I started drinking more frequently as well. This, of course, caused me to gain all that weight back very rabidly. Within a year I was back up to 250 pounds. And as of today I am over 270. 

 So, here I am, today; the heaviest and most out of shape I've ever been. I want to change my life and fix my health before it's too late. I'm starting slow: riding my bike to and from work everyday and cutting back on the alcohol. When I can, I will focus on my diet, which is the biggest factor in weight loss. 

 I am determined to make this stick. Going slowly to make sure I can sustain this for the rest of my life. I don't want to live in pain and at risk of death just because I'm too lazy to get off the couch and put down the fucking Doritos. Follow me on my journey and show some support. Maybe I can encourage some other people to change their lives too. Thank you for reading.


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