That Fishy Smell: The Weekend Freewrite -10/12/2019

"I am not available anymore." He was fuming when he heard this. Ghosted. He stared at his steaming coffee and caught the urge to throw his iPhone half-way across the room. This message meant that his funding would be pulled.

Rebecca entered with toast that had burnt in the toaster over and set it down in front of Rick. "It hasn't been tested on humans. I am not surprised they would disappear."

To Rick, Rebecca was almost always pessimistic when it came to her thoughts on his dealings with people who said that they would fund his DNA research that was going to revolutionize the human race because, with a minor injection, a creation of his that alters DNA, a mouse was able to eat less for a longer period of time than normal and still retained its muscle mass, even doubled in size. It was plausible and probably to Rick that humans would have similar effects.

"You know they don't like the report about what happened to the injected mice after a month-long trial." Rebecca took Rick's iPhone and gently placed it on the table.

Harry laughed, face fleshy, sallow as an onion, eyes googly, the sound of it like clucking.

"How do you feel, Harry?" asked Rick.

Harry chattered his teeth, licked his lips, and slapped his knees.

"How do you feel, Harry?" Rick asked again.

Rebecca recorded Harry movements and noted that he had become less twitchy over the past ten minutes, saw that hair had begun to grow back, witnessed teeth lost to his drug of choice begin to emerge from the deep layers of gum they where held in. Her pen almost couldn't keep up fast enough to record everything she was see taking place in the short time that it was happening.

"How do y..."

"Fine," Harry interjected, his joker laugh fading in the distance. "It's like I can feel my brain growning like a balloon being filled with air. My muscles feel like anvils which makes me think and feel I'm indestructable.

A fishy smell was coming from a container they were passing. "We've searched up and down this doc," said Rick, "and this is the only one with fishy smell. Shine your light here." He pointed to the lock and Rebecca did as instructed.

It took Rich a few minutes. His time growing up taught him how to jimmy a lock open but his time away from that life had made him a bit slower.

Rebecca shivered as it was a little chilly and she'd left her lite jacket in the car.

Rich popped the lock open and flung open the doors. There in the back with a handful of fish was Harry.

"Man, I'm so glad we found you," said Rich. "You must come back with us. I realized I was wrong and I have been able to formulate a new drug that alters the DNA that has less effects on humans."

"You think I want to go back?" asked Harry. "No, sir. Not me. I'm living the life here. Before this, before this change, I was nothing, just a homeless begger. But now, thanks to you, I'm a fisherman and I get to eat all of the fish I can catch. Life could be better. Shut the door and leave me be."

The End

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