Weekend Freewrite 12/30/2017- Part 3 - The Dramatic Twist - My Entry


Michael once told me he thought Heather got an easy way out. I almost punched him in the face but instead chose to explain to him why I didn’t think that was a very cool thing to say.

He eventually agreed but started in about how his Mom had always referred to him as “the bill she forgot to pay”. Heather looked like his Mom and I don’t think he realized the extent he was conflating them.

Looking at him now I realize he has come a long way since then. I better start getting him sobered up. He will need to be getting home before his Dad gets up to go fishing. As long as he’s in his room before anyone else wakes up he can hide the fact that he is covered in his own vomit. The red color of the fruit juice all over his face makes him look like one of those mentat guys from the movie “Dune”. I laugh and pick him up. No more juice for you buddy.

Check out @mariannewest for some quality content;


Title image is my original work

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