Weekend Freewrite 1/6/2018 - Single Prompt Option: I saw a wild pig running down the street - My Entry


“Just start at the beginning and go from there.” the policeman said with an air of routine. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to calm down before answering him. After my little time out I told him for the third time “I saw a wild pig running down the street , then I saw another, then two more and next thing I know there's like a hundred of them running in a group down the middle of the street!”

He scratched his chin and sort of tapped his pen in his notepad and looked at me like I had two heads. I started to yell at him. “I know it sounds crazy but just look at the damage! There are a hundred other people that will tell you the same thing I just did. Why aren't you out getting to the bottom of it???”

And I thought I had calmed myself down...geez. I continued my rant without even caring he was a cop, “Someone lets hundreds of wild pigs loose on Wall Street and you're out here giving me a hard time??”

“Sir,” he asked me “have you been using any controlled substances?”

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Title image is my original work

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