Weekend Freewrite

Here's my Weekend Freewrite!

Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- Part 1 - The First Sentence

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Charlotte ate green peppers all day long. I think back to the day we found out she was going to be a girl. I looked at my husband while I lay there in the doctors office, with tears in my eyes and I knew it was meant to be. This child was supposed to be given to us. He smiled at me and kissed my head nodding. He knew exactly what I was thinking. She'd be named after my great grandmother.

Lettie grinned up at me as she took another bite of her pepper as she sat at our kitchen table. She's always loved vegetables. Another reason I know she was appropriately named. My great grandparents were the best gardeners around. They grew all sorts of veggies and I just hoped one day I'd have a daughter who loved fresh veggies as much as I did.

"Are you excited for dance today Lettie?" I asked her pushing her hair out of her eyes. She was so talented in so many way's, mainly in dance. She recently was signed up for dance classes at the place just up the road from us. She loved it. I knew she was bound for greatness one day.

She grinned her pepper grin and nodded, "I sure am Mommy! I can't wait! We're getting ready for the show! I know it's going to be great." She had so much confidence.

I laughed, "I know it'll be great. I know YOU will be great." I said kissing her nose. She giggled.

Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- Part 2 - The Interference

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Dressed in her dance gear she and I began our walk to the dance class up the road. We enjoyed the walk just as much as she enjoyed the class itself. She would skip and sing to the birds as we passed. She would yammer on about everything and anything. Up ahead a man was feeding the ducks on the bench. Lettie squealed, she just loved the ducks. The old man smiled at her.

"You look as if your ready for some dancing." He remarked to her as she tried to persuade the ducks closer. He handed her a piece of bread.

She grinned up at him, "I sure am. I'm a little nervous. We have a big show coming up! I just hope I'm as great as my mommy think's I'll be." I smile. I know she will.

He laughs and grins at me then turns to my daughter and gives her the best advice she could get from an old man feeding ducks, "If you don't take chances," said the man in striped pajamas, "you might as well not be alive."

"Thank you sir." I said to him taking my daughters hand.

He shakes his head, "No need. She's going to be great one day. I can tell. She's got it all planned out. You can see it in her eyes." He smiles and pokes her nose. She giggles and after thanking him one last time we were on our way.

Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- Part 3 - The Dramatic Twist

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We got to the dance class with minutes to spare but it didn't stop my little girl. She was ready to jump right in. I sat myself down and watched her with so much pride I couldn't believe she was mine... Ours. I think back to the time my husband invited his mother to dinner. It was near the beginning of our relationship but I already adored him. I was head over heels in love with him and I knew with everything in me he was going to be mine forever.

He was an only child, much like Lettie will be, but he didn't grow up with a father. His mother was all he had. So, when he had invited her to dinner I knew something was up. I knew whatever it was, it was important to him. When she walked in she threw her arms around me and held me close. She knew something I didn't but I loved her instantly.

"It's so nice to finally meet you love." She grinned at me and then looked to her son, "She's beautiful." She said with a smile. I thanked her and took her coat. That evening I got to know more about the man that I loved then I ever would. He was kind, loving and attentive to his mother. He was everything I wanted the father of my future children to be.

That night he asked me to marry him. He had wanted his mother to be there because she was ill and he wasn't sure she'd be around for our wedding. Sadly she wasn't. But I knew how happy she was to see him in love. I just hoped I could make her proud.

We taught our daughter everything we could about my husbands mother... She knows she was not only named after my great grandmother but after her daddy's mother... Charlotte was a special name to us both, and now we have a special amazing beautiful daughter to give such a name to. And she was bound for greatness...

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