Four wheelin' | Open fires | Mumma's scones for the road

I've just returned home after a pretty full-on day of off-roading as mentioned in a post from yesterday. You'll be pleased to know I managed to keep the shiny side up, i.e. I didn't roll my vehicle. Neither myself or my friend got bogged although there were some close calls which added a nice element to the day - A bit of challenge for us and the vehicles.

I mentioned yesterday that I intended to take my GoPro which I did...Unfortunately I had a brain malfunction and forgot to take the batteries which, when I returned home, were exactly where I put them; In the charging dock charging-up in preparation to take off-roading with me. GoPro fail. Anyway, I was a little disheartened however rebounded as soon as we hit the trails, and I got some of that fresh air into my lungs.

The day started off a little cloudy however by mid morning had cleared up nicely; It wasn't warm, but the sun helped hold the cold at bay just a little...Not really, it was cold!

The tracks get worse the further from the homestead one gets and before long we'd engaged low range and were creeping along deeply rutted tracks, up and down slopes and through creek-sections full of rounded-off rocks and shale.

When off-roading in convoy communications can be important so we used our 2-way UHF radios to keep in contact, warn of any difficult sections and pretty much talk shit the whole time. Nope, I can't repeat most of it but it had us laughing the whole time mostly. My buddy is a crack up and always has something stupid or funny to say.

The terrain was reasonably dry however there were sections still holding water from recent rains. The image below shows my friend coming through one such area; You can see the water his vehicle is displacing in the image below because he's driving like a wanker, and another shot from the other angle. This is an access track through the property but also a creek. At rare times it's impassable but only after very heavy rain...And yet we try to get through it at times like that as well; It's fun and there's plenty of trees to winch off if we get stuck. There's water almost year-round though, except on the driest of years, and it is a lot of fun to drive in this section. It's scenic too.

We stopped here and lit up a fire to make some lunch of bacon, sausages, onions and eggs which we ate on bread rolls with tomato sauce, (ketchup). Legit.

We also brewed up some coffee and sat around talking about stuff...The farm, finances, state of the nation, guns and four wheel drives of course! For me these moments are some of the best; Being out in the countryside, away from the noise and aggravations of city-life, hanging with a bro talking shit and eating food cooked on an open fire. Simple, but enjoyable.

After lunch we hit some more trails and before long made it back to the homestead where we spent a little time spraying off the vehicles to dislodge most of the mud and dirt. My bro's mum came out with buttered scones and coffee so, just to be polite of course, I ate them. Seriously good scones! Around 1600 (4pm) I headed off for home after thanking my mate for a great day, and his mum for the scones. (I had a little bag full to take home too. Most of them made it there. Yay, old mate's mum!)

I mentioned in my post from yesterday that it was going to be a dirty weekend and to some degree it was however I was surprised to see it wasn't all that wet out there, not on the tracks anyway, and so my vehicle didn't get too muddy at all. I've got some work to do Sunday to get my vehicle looking pristine again though, 3-4 hours probably. Oh well, that's the price of fun sometimes I guess, and a price I'm prepared to pay. I might get Faith to put on some denim short shorts and a bikini top to help with the vehicle washing...OK, not really, she'll be inside with the heater on!

Hopefully Saturday deployed well for all of you also. Right about now I'm snuggled on the couch with Faith, snacks and a Netflix series called The Last Kingdom that I'm hooked on at the moment. Legit Saturday night after a day of wheelin'.

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