Review anything you want!

SteemReviews is a community driven reviewing service, it’s designed for anyone to use/participate.

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Welcome to SteemReviews!

Our mission is to bring people together and what better way to do that than to share our experiences? 😊 This way we can collectively learn about amazing findings and make more informed decisions about how we spend our earnings. This will be especially useful for project creators to social proof their initiatives. Having a review system available will also help drive conversation and increase community engagement which is always nice.

Submit the markdown to us and we will create the post with @steemreviews on your behalf. You can then leave a review and/or collect reviews in the comments section. You may resteem and/or link to the post for your needs. By linking to the review post, you could collect reviews in the comments section for eternity even after 7 days when the post pays out and becomes immutable.

To create a post,

1. Copy & paste the most relevant template found below into a text doc.
2. Replace CAPITALIZED text and fill in the information.
3. Copy & paste completed markdown into our Discord.


<center>![PROJECT LOGO](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Contact Info:**


<center>![COMPANY LOGO](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Year Founded:**
**Contact Info:**


<center>![MOVIE IMAGE](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Rating (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17):**


<center>![GAME IMAGE](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Initial Release Date:**
**Rating (EC, E, E10+, T, M, AO):**


<center>![BOOK IMAGE](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Originally Published:**
**Page Count:**


<center>![RESTAURANT LOGO](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Contact Info:**

@TheShop Seller

<center><h1>@TheShop Seller:** @USERNAME</h1>center>
<center>![PROFILE PIC](URL)</center>


**Brief Description:**
**Contact Info:**

Submit markdown in our Discord.

Feel free to add to this selection, reference the templates and create your own topic. We might even add your topic when releasing an updated guide.

Do you have suggestions for us? You can get started by reviewing @steemreviews right here in the comments section.

To leave a review,

1. Copy the markdown for the number of stars you want to give.
2. Write your review.

Note: Quality reviews can help others out and in return, earn upvotes.

one star ![one star](
two star ![two star](
three star ![three star](
four star ![four star](
five star ![five star](


We’re imagining 90% of the upvote activity will happen in the comments section, but when the posts get upvotes, this is how the earnings will be used:

STEEM/SBD earned from upvotes after costs of promotion will be transferred to to grow the fundraising platform and help more project creators reach their goals. SP earned will be delegated to @hypefoundation to upvote/fund charities and meaningful causes found in the Steemit community.

Charities and causes include but are not limited to @schoolforsdg4, @cooking4charity, @FamilyProtection, @womenempowerment, @museproject, @youarehope, @treeplanter, @tarc, @steemcamp, @steemfunder, @azizbd, @Khusairi, @bigdude,, and more to come.

Confirm upvotes by viewing @hypefoundation's activity.

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@hypefoundation uses 100% of its upvotes to fund charities and meaningful causes. Would you delegate as little as ONE SP to support the cause? 1 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 SP. You can take it back at any time.

Custom Amount (Replace “NUMBER”):

@hyperfundit and @partiko are teaming up to bring more users and projects to the Steem Blockchain. Would you vote @hyperpartiko for witness?


hyperpartiko vote 50px.png steemconnect 50px.png

Would you trust us in making informed decisions to vote for other witnesses in your place? Allow us to be your proxy.

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Our Partners

HyperFundIt 100px.png theshop logo square 100px.png hypefoundation logo square 100px.png partiko 100px.png


@steemreviews is not involved in any disputes and is not responsible for any damages or losses.

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