Challenging path to Curug Tebing

This trip we visited a waterfall located in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS). Because we did not want anything untoward, we asked to be accompanied by a trip to Curug Tebing by Mr. Iril, one of the local residents who had opened access to Tebing Curug two years ago.



We passed a steep path down to the base of the cliff. Several times Pak Iril had to open his machete and clean the thickets that covered the path. Shortly thereafter, we walked along a river flanked by a high cliff. Besides being narrow, the condition of the land on the unstable cliffs is very prone to landslides that can threaten our lives at any time.

This waterfall or what we usually call the Cliff waterfall (Curug Tebing) is in the forest of Mount Salak, water that flows from the top of a rock cliff with a height of about 9 meters. Right underneath there is a puddle with a depth of 4 meters. The atmosphere is typical of the mountains felt once, the air was very fresh and still very awake to its beauty.


Curug Tebing is located in Cibeureum Village, Ciasmara Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. 31 kilometers west of Bogor City or about 2 hours travel time guide services Rp. 50.000, and a vehicle parking fee of Rp. 5.000


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