News for beginning authors of musical beats.

@peter-stone posted a blog post on how to make an already recorded beat louder.

Sometimes there are problems with playing beats recorded in different programs.

One of the solutions to sound problems in this post: [Garage Band Secret Trick - How to make a track louder?](@peter-stone/garage-band-secret-trick-how-to-make-a-track-louder)

Let your beats sound the way you want to hear them!

After all, in the Hive, your music is your finances and when a coin falls into a wallet, it also sounds like music.

I'm waiting for a new tutorial video tonight!

зроби свій трек гучнішим.png

#music #aliveandthriving #cent #proofofbrain #pimp #tribes #hive-engine #waivio #pgm #leo

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