#Knysna, South Africa#....Africa fine places.

Knysna is a beautiful town located in the Garden Route of South Africa. It currently occupies 51,078 inhabitants in the western cape Province. It features scenic attractions like beautiful beaches and lush forest vegetation.

The town itself offers an array of curio shops and a lively waterfront development and his famous for its delicious oysters and fresh seafood. Recently, the town has also become a preferred destination among golfers, as the town boasts several world class golf courses, including Pezula Golf Course, Simola Golf Course and the well established Knysna Golf Course situated on the lagoon.

Knysna is a beautiful place to visit Many sporting activities take place, such as rugby, golf, bowls, squash, cycling and marathons. The Knysna Forest Marathon and Half Marathon, as well as the Rotary Cycle Tour, draw many sporting enthusiasts to the town.

If you love a quiet but exciting vacation, Knysna is a nice place to be.

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