Chicken vlog: Thoughts on voting bots

I really tried to post this video via Dtube, but it just kept giving me some blockchain error and I gave up. I was cleaning out the chickens today and thought it was time for another video. It was pretty cold out there, but I know folk elsewhere have it much colder. My friend @rebeccabe has had it well below freezing in Nebraska for a while and I don't envy her.

The video cut off as my phone hit some limit, but I had said about all I planned to and it was too cold to be holding it anyway.

The chickens seem to cope fine with the weather. I guess their feathers keep them nice and warm. We just have to be sure their water doesn't freeze. They don't need a massive amount of care. We check the food and water each day when we collect the eggs. We'll also clean out most of the droppings from inside the coop then. Every weekend I do a more thorough clean and change the bedding, not that they sleep in the tray. It's just where they lay. We mostly get an egg from each chicken every day, but they may lay less often in winter.

I've said before about Steemit that greed could ruin it. I can fully understand that new users are desperate to make anything. They will use the various voting services to get more. They are also trying to get attention, but I think it's pretty hard to get on the trending or hot page for any of the popular tags these days. I'm less convinced about those with well established accounts also using these services when they are guaranteed to make a good amount from their supporters. That's depriving the smaller players. The other problem I mention is where people are buying SP and using it purely to reward themselves. I've seen people posting poor comments and giving themselves a good reward for each one. That puts their comment at the top of the list where it probably doesn't belong. The suggestions on the flagging screen say it should be used when you disagree about a reward, so I think it's legitimate to flag these cases.

I'd hate to see Steemit become a 'race for the bottom' or 'dash for cash'. It was created to reward good content as the web can be poor at doing that. We have a great opportunity to build something that creators will flock to. It could be destroyed by greed. I'm not saying regular folk should not make anything. If people like your posts and comments then you will get something. Build a following by interacting with others and you will get paid, even without the voting services.

What do you think?

This is inside the coop. The big tray is where they lay and the old draining board over it is to keep most of the poo out of there. The card helps to make it easier to clean.

Chicken house

Spring must be on the way as snowdrops and daffodils are showing, despite the cold. Over by the fence is the fort I made for my son. He's outgrown it now and I need to re-purpose it somehow.


BTW My votes are worth a bit less as I have now delegated about half my SP to others to make use of. I don't expect any payment for this, but if they happen to give me a vote it's worth a bit more now.

Steem on!

I'm Steve, the geeky guitarist.

I'll buy guitar picks for Steem Dollars

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