Question: Why Alaska?

Answer: It is the perfect peaceful escape.

Alaska from Kat on Vimeo.

Alaska is one of those states in the U.S. that seem so far removed from the rest of the country. Most people I know who have ventured out there were on cruise excursions. My friends (including @ucsdsu and @halcyondaze) and I recently took a trip, and it's safe to say the experience blew us away. A few reasons why:

  1. The Scenery: from the vibrant sunsets to the bluest sky and clearest water...we just couldn't get enough. Our time away from big SoCal cities was the perfect escape. I savored the ability to breathe in fresh air and smiled with delight as the cool water splashed my face. The best part was having long daylight hours (sun did not set until around 10 pm) to take advantage of all Alaska has to offer.

  2. The Small Town Feel: All of the local shops and friendly faces created such a relaxing, quaint environment. It was easy to strike up a conversation with the locals over a beer at the brewery or the staff who helped us through white water rafting. The community of any place reflects the values and culture and it is always an interesting experiencing comparing one to another. In this case, we definitely had positive interactions all around giving us another reason to want to revist this beautiful state.

  3. The Endless Adventures: There is bound to be an activity for everyone when the list includes fishing, white water rafting, hiking, fruit picking, and more. My new goal in my travels is to try a new activity unique to the place I'm visiting. In this case it was white water rafting which honestly turned out to be pretty scary but at the end of the day I survived to tell the tale :p





Thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions on our itinerary I'd be happy to fill you in to help plan your next adventure.

Until next time,

Closing question: Where is your perfect escape?

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