c0ff33 vlog 17th March 2018 Keeping up Appearances πŸ’πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ - with me @c0ff33a β˜•οΈ

Welcome to the weekly Vlog by @c0ff33a β˜•οΈ πŸ‘ˆπŸ½ That's me! Seven full days have passed since last week's Vlog, and this week it has been a little more relaxed and quiet. I have not had too many problems at work, certainly not like the flooding of the week before. And finally we got the lighting turned back on if the offices - it's been lucky the last two weeks the days have been relatively bright. Although the electrician who reset the fuses took one look at the massive, spaghetti junction cupboard full of fuses, switches, meters and wires - inhaled air sharply through his teeth and Kindly pointed out a large portion of the wiring was 10 years obsolete and needing replacing, as did the asbestos lined fuse box. Estimate is two men two full days to go through the building checking everything and bringing it up to current standards - marvellous!
The raw text without images is available here https://jpst.it/1cpNF if you wish to easily translate it using your favourite translation service.

So for my #SublimeSunday this week I shared some #FunkyEdits from the Graveyard - made for some interesting effects! I was also pleased to see even more people joining in the fun. First up we had a Sunday Funday post by @mcoinz79 where we enjoyed a trip out with him and his son to Dana Point harbor and the Ocean Institute - some wonderful pictures a quite a story to enjoy in this one. Meanwhile @old-guy-photos took us on a walk, cooked some tasty pot stickers and a lovely looking joint of Beef and then even shared a perfectly focused photograph of some tree branches! So sublime. I enjoyed this trip to the beach with @maruharraca with some lovely photographs of the bright and sandy beach and blue oceans. It was a sad weekend for her though, her pet passed away so sorry to hear it and I hope it isn't hasn't been too hard a week for her. @smartphoto came up with a very clever multiplicity post where he was beside himself and @vee108 shared a lovely sandy view in the valley of the Dra. It was a super fun packed #SublimeSunday

As the week started I enjoyed some amazing portrait photography by @mikesthoughts where I really thought he captured the subject perfectly. I enjoyed get to heaven by @carmalain7 who continues to produce some amazing literary work and poetry. I was fascinated by this Travelling Thoughts photograph by @fiftysixnorth with a giant Whale Shark - quite scary to see how big it is against the people Scuba Diving - quite an incredible experience.

Tuesday night I joined in #behindthecurtain challenge after being nominated by @saffisara in this Behind the Curtain post and also by @snowpea in her behind the curtain challenge so with two nominations it would be difficult to not join in. It's a fun challenge post where you have to show all the places where you Steemit - posting and commenting. Good fun and I tried my best to make it a bit different.

Posts I come across can be entertaining in different ways, I really enjoyed @baby07 walk through a plant nursery with so many lovely colourful pictures and also her boy having a wonderful time helping plant the flowers too. This tree stump post by @ninahaskin was fascinating, and quite interesting to find out what different people could interpret from the patterns in the stump. And the master of incredible photography produced an incredible Monochrome Monday with some clever edit effects to enhance the signs - I don't know how @tattoodjay has the time to edit pictures and do all the comments he does! And then @sweetscience did it again with this amazing musical mix featuring the incredible poetry of @platosgroove over "Wavy Gravy" by Sasha.

The mysterious travelling guru @burkulese returned from his journey with a lovely She Said Yes post, congratulations my friend I am sure you will both be so happy together. And he is one person that can feature what feels like hundreds of photographs in his post and every one is wonderful to enjoy.

My friend @crisangel tells an incredible story of his teaching young students he works really hard with these young people - if you wish to read the post easily I have translated it from Spanish to English and left the translation at the bottom of the post in his comments - it's really worth reading and commendable the hard work he does. And he continues to amaze with this colourful turtle which is quite amazing - and apparently a popular pet as well. Amazing.

I have been amazed again by the quality of drawing by @huslein.slash in this Wolf in Charcoal such an incredible piece of art so realistic I still have no idea how he manages to be so versatile using so many different artistic and non art related materials to create realistic pictures. Coffee, plastic bottle caps - even Makeup.

I love seeing old buildings, especially when they are regenerated and given a new purpose, this old IOF Hall by @warpedweaver is a lovely example of converting and old building into new apartments while retaining it's traditional feel. And then @longsilver showed me some wonderful blue skies, and a building with a very Red and very British looking phone box in front of them - incredible! And @fishyculture has had quite a week, in this Among the lucky ones post she recounts how a previous traumatic experience has resurfaced through recent events - I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her the best for the week ahead and hope these troubles pass on.

Tuesday night and into Wednesday I also enjoyed quite a bit of the http://steemstar.net entertainment starting with Trash Talk hosted by @patrice who is a Witness and runs Steemcleaners and @nnnarvaez , it includes The Inquisition and proved a fascinating insight into the hard work being done to keep spam posts and reward pool abuse at a minimum. Then @sircork followed with YouAreHOPE Foundation Transparent Town Hall leading onto a Pirate Party of music that was quite literally straight out of my era - fun chat and gif sharing in the SteemStar discord with many people some I knew and some new to me. It was such a good night it went on well into the morning - leaving me just 3 hours of sleep that night, but it was damn good fun! I think in How Steemit Changed my life @katrina-ariel really sums up all that is good when a digital community can come together crossing all boundaries. The discord chat was busy with people including @ancapbarbie who is relatively new to me but suddenly is all over the place, in this post banner winner announcement an incredible banner is highlighted produced for her weekly curation post. @battleaxe was taking a break from her tireless charity and community support, with this post Working within a breaking society her talent for poetry is clear alongside a magical ability to highlight issues we should all be aware of through it. Truly a clever, talented lady we could all learn from. The All Play Friday host @topkpop was also joining in, she did an amazing 10 facts and 1 lie challenge post I found it really difficult to decide which one was the lie. And she has also added more of her family to Steemit with @bluejays joining in the posting fun be sure to read his Introduction post. There were many more joining in this fun event, which I think I will try and find time for again - although I could do with sleeping before hand a little to not cut my sleep down so much!

By Wednesday I was enjoying some clever photography and editing by @krazypoet and a lovely slice of Pi with @thekitchenfairy . I also enjoyed some incredible clear close up photo's of plants in the garden by @mariannewest and it is really quite clever if you read through the linked post as well. And this lovely flower struggling in the snow by @txatxy reminded me that spring is just around the corner - even if it is freezing cold and snowing again today!

@hazem91 (I put too many e's in his name last week - better make sure I get it right this time) has been just as busy as usual - in this Zumba challenge he recounts a past story of when he went swimming in the sea - in February! Freezing in the storm, I'm not sure how he managed to get through it all in one piece! And talking of Story's, he has also been busy writing a story in collaboration with @saffisara - which is really quite clever they put the story together between themselves and then posted it. You can enjoy Twin Story Part 2 here it's a fascinating piece of writing they have obviously worked so hard on together.

Sometimes I find a post that is just mind blowing, like this one Binary Poetry by @tygertyger it is just so very clever, if you read the comments she shares a binary translator link - so you can translate her poem and even join in writing your own and then converting it into Binary. And then this learning and buffets post by @alvinauh made me remember my own education - because it was just the same back then cram facts for an exam a few days before and once you had done the exam poof they are gone. Reduced infiltration and interception increase overland flow - that's one I still remember so 23 years after drumming in it for a Geography degree exam - I maybe remember it more because I found the topic very interesting - the direct human influence on the water table and causes of flooding, we are still doing it as well worldwide cutting down trees and laying impervious tarmac everywhere so the water just gets pushed too fast into rivers making them flood - instead of the natural balance that would have been rain drops falling on tree leaves, dripping onto plants, shrubs, bushes, landing on grasses slowly filtering into the soil and water table. Unfortunately the only way to avoid flooding in most built up areas is to live high up on the hills and avoid flood plains completely - which is of course fine if you know that - but housing still get's built on flood plains and the estate agents never mention the downsides...On a lighter note I enjoyed these special cats shared by @redheadpei and obviously enjoying all the comforts of home. And this Educational and emotional poetry I found quite inspiring and very clever at the same time.

@snook showed Steemians are Real People while unboxing a special gift from her friend @brisby . It seems so many people are having a bitter sweet time at the moment, in when you are the lowest she shares some profound thoughts and it is reassuring to know that a few kind words on people's post can really make a difference to them. There is also a Bad karaoke contest being run by her and @simgirl - I'm the worst singer ever so I have a good chance of winning something for a change!

It was quite ironic after my own journey with Bitcoin mining that I read this Setting up a bitcoin miner post by @cygon - he also some great music tracks I listened all the way through DJ Integrity it was fantastic. And the musical genius @avesa shared so much music this week - but this sneak preview of high and dry cosmic latte is incredible you really need to listen to it.

By Thursday I managed to do a #MarketFriday post - if you look carefully through my blog you might find it amongst the Resteems! Throwing caution to the wind I now make it nearly impossible to find my own posts amongst all the favourites I Resteem through the week - I've decided it's the best way to share my favourite content and to be fair everything I share is far better then my own paltry efforts. Steemit though since Thursday has been such a struggle, loading errors and never managing to register an upvote or logging you out all the time. My buddy @crazybgadventure has noticed it and in this post the doctors results are in he's also not been so well - but at least has some medication to help now so get well soon friend.

Friday night, and it has to be All Play Friday with the incredible @topkpop as it starts at 1am my time I sloped off to bed at 10pm to grab 3 hours sleep before the start. Unfortunately I missed the introduction post saying it was starting an hour earlier - so when my alarm went off at 1am and I wandered downstairs bleary eyed - I was surprised to find the party in full swing! Mental note made to double check the start time next week before getting some pre-party rest! Always worth waking up for though, some fantastic music from Steemit's finest musicians and fun games I even managed to win a Steem again in one. The discord is always full of people for this show, many I know but you always find new accounts to discover as well - and if you want to promote your own post or someone else's you can check @topkpop posts she always accepts donations for the game rewards in return for promoting links in the show. It all works so fluidly and is backed up by the super talented @thekittygirl (who also does amazing posts of her own like this Hammer Time one ) helping to share links while @topkpop is handling the music and keeping the chat flowing. I really enjoyed the show, and already can not wait for next week!

I am making special effort this week to include the dynamic duo, @techmojo I have followed for so long on here - really ever since I found a post he made about making a gaming PC inside a desk (how is that going anyway?) and he continues to come up with some really useful and helpful posts - this one Building a gaming pc 2018 is perfect giving you all the parts and prices to make your own rig without going over budget. He might be Clyde, but @deeviras is definitely Bonnie in mixed bunch of past photography she shares some past photo shoots but as a full on gamer she does some wonderful gaming reviews and some live streaming content as well.

Special mention this week has to go to @aydayodeji who inspired me some weeks back with his plans to make a real difference in the community he grew up in by solving the problems of poor drainage that had caused deaths from Malaria including a baby. I did what little I could to support him, knowing he would come good with the results - and finally he gave this final update on cleaning up the community and it is quite incredible. Real physical hard work and effort went into this, above and beyond to help others - if you somehow have not seen this post you need to read it. And you have to admire and respect the backing he had financially from @youarehope and @sircork - supplying this amount of funds so quickly is just incredible - but they can only keep supporting these charitable works with donations and upvotes from the Steemit community - whatever you can do every little bit helps.

And so ends my quiet week on Steemit, I have not been quite as active as usual and the whole sluggish and failed to load issues of Steemit of the last few days really stopped me keeping up with all the posts and posters I would have liked to. It's been fun though, I'm enjoying reading the varied content on here and just wish I had time to get around more of it - every week I seem to have more accounts to enjoy and the time just is not there - at best I might catch one post out of many for some people over seven days. With Steem value down at the moment everything else is, low upvotes and low rewards. For the next week I am going to do my best to stick with the accounts that need the upvotes the most - some are doing well and will ride out this downturn period with ease - for others it will be harder.

You can enjoy the full vlog videos, and supporting speeded up dash cam footage below

All that remains to be said my Steemit friends is keep on creating the amazing content I enjoy, unique to each and every one of you and whatever it might be the greatest thing about the posts you make is the little piece of you that you share with them.

If you enjoyed my post don’t forget to leave an Upvote, feel free to comment on what you liked or where I can do better even. Follow @c0ff33a for regular and varied posts, photography, my weekly VLOG, posts on coffee roasting and brewing - just follow and see.

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All photos are my own, taken with my iPhone. All my steemit posted pictures can be freely used by other Steemit users in their own blog posts - all I ask is that you follow me and credit @c0ff33a linking to my post you took it from. You can also follow me on Twitter

For Steemit to grow we need to post rich content - interesting and unique posts that encourage others to join in and share their experiences. If you feel your own posts are not doing well look at what your favourite content creators are doing - if you like their work they are doing something you could do as well - think of way to do similar things with your own unique twist.

The picture to the right kindly sketched by the wonderful @bridget.art , be sure to check her incredible art out https://steemit.com/@bridget.art

As Steemit grows making your content stand out gives it a greater chance to be seen and enjoyed, I try to work on making one post every few days - but making it as big and content rich as I can. I don't know if this is the right way, but I enjoy the most big content rich posts - and a wise man on Steemit once said to me - make your content like the content you enjoy.

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