Parte de mi antigua Venezuela... my old Venezuela

Cuando estaba pequeño mi abuela me contaba ciertas cosas curiosas de la historia de Venezuela, una de esas era sobre las vivencias a principios del siglo XX, su hermano mayor, mi tio-abuelo David Saez fue reclutado por el ejercito a finales del mandato del presidente Cipriano Castro, y su servicio militar se extendió hasta comienzos del mandado del Presidente Juan Vicente Gomez, apodado por sus enemigos como "El Bagre".

CIPRIANO CASTRO (Presidente de Venezuela 1899 - 1908)

JUAN VICENTE GOMEZ (Presidente de Venezuela 1908 - 1935)

Según el relato de mi abuela trina, mi tio-abuelo estuvo en un discurso del presidente Gomez el cual muchos notaron algo curioso y era que un libro que tenia en sus manos el cual se suponía que estaba leyendo, lo tenia al reves, al terminar su discurso alguien que mi tio nunca supo quien era le pregunta al presidente que si sabia leer porque notaron que el libro estaba de forma incorrecta y Gomez le respondió "El que sabe: Sabe".
Y ahi es justo en donde me detengo, en esa frase que utilizo el presidente como defensa, pero en si es una frase de aceptación, no todos los que tienes títulos universitarios son profesionales, el profesional nace por las experiencias, aunque el estudio lo ayuda, pero es la experiencia quien le defiende el titulo. Soy contador y conozco a un contabilista que ni siquiera termino la primaria, pero tiene 40 años de experiencia en Auditoria, jamas conoci a un profesional como el, es como un profesor o computadora humana, pero es un señor digno de admirar, un verdadero profesional.

When I was little my grandmother told me some curious things about the history of Venezuela, one of those was about the experiences in the early twentieth century, his older brother, my uncle-grandfather David Saez was recruited by the army at the end of the mandate of the president Cipriano Castro, and his military service was extended until the beginning of the mandate of President Juan Vicente Gomez, nicknamed by his enemies as "El Bagre".
According to my grandmother's story, my uncle-grandfather was in a speech by President Gomez, which many noticed something curious and was that a book that he had in his hands which was supposed to be reading, had it the other way, when he finished his speech, someone my uncle never knew who he was, asked the president if he knew how to read because they noticed that the book was wrong and Gomez answered him "He who knows: He knows".
And that's where I stop right, in that phrase that the president used as a defense, but in itself it is a phrase of acceptance, not all of you who have university degrees are professionals, the professional is born from experiences, although the study helps , but it is the experience that defends the title. I'm an accountant and I know an accountant who does not even finish primary school, but has 40 years of experience in Auditing, never met a professional like him, he's like a human professor or computer, but he's a man worthy of admiration, a true professional .

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