A very short case for veganism that doesn't include animal rights.

Let's just for one moment assume that killing or harming animals isn't objectively unethical. I disagree, most people would disagree, but let's play along. Even then, there's still a ton of rational reasons to go vegan. I'll list them below here:

Species Extinction.

The World Wildlife Fund concluded that meat based diets are responsible for the loss of 60% of global biodiversity.


A) According to Greenpeace Brazil, 80% of Amazon Rainforest destruction is caused by animal agriculture.

B) Yale University agrees that 80% of Amazon Rainforest destruction is caused by animal agriculture.

C) The World Bank disagrees. They say animal agriculture is responsible for 90% of Amazon Rainforest destruction.


A) The animal agriculture industry grows grains, vegetables and soy to fatten up farm animals destined for slaughter. The U.S. alone could feed 800 million people with the food grown to feed farm animals.

B) Worldwide, we could feed 11 billion people with the food grown to fatten up farm animals

Climate Change.

A) According to a 2006 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.

B) The World Watch Institute reported that animal agriculture is actually responsible for 51% of greenhouse gases.


A) Animal agriculture is so water intensive, it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef.

B) It takes 896 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of cheese.


A) The largest group of nutritional professionals in the world concluded that we can get all our nutrients from a vegan diet.

B) Harvard concluded we can prevent many diseases with a plant based diet.

Public Health

A) The Overuse of Antibiotics in Food Animals Threatens Public Health

B) Antibiotic use in food animals allows antibiotic-resistant bacteria to grow and crowd out the bacteria that do respond to antibiotics. Bacterias are becoming resistance to the use of antibiotics that humans also use to cure a large array of diseases.

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