The #VeganCheeseChallenge - Vegan potato cheese

Vegan potato cheese
An excellent and delicious option, you do not need to be vegan or vegetarian for this type of recipe, you need to raise awareness and eat healthier !!!!


550 gr potatoes
1/2 lemon juice
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 1/2 tablespoon corn flour
2 tablespoon corn starch
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup vegetable broth
3 tablespoons flaked yeast
3 tablespoons cassava flour


1.-Peel the potatoes, cut them into four pieces and put them to cook in plenty of hot water, add onion powder and garlic powder together with the salt.

2.-Starting boiling cook 20 minutes until tender remove from heat and drain.

3.-We put the drained potatoes in the glass of the processor, add a little broth, and process.

4.-We put the drained potatoes in the glass of the processor, add a little broth, and process.

5.-Add the garlic, onion, salt, corn flour, corn starch, cassava flour, flaked yeast, oil, and lemon juice.

6.-Add the garlic, onion, salt, corn flour, corn starch, cassava flour, flaked yeast, oil, and lemon juice.

7.-Until it thickens or peels off the walls of the pan.

8.-In a plastic mold with a little oil, place the preparation and move slightly so that it is even in the whole mold, let cool and take to the refrigerator at least 2 hours.

9.-Des moldamos and to enjoy this vegan cheese !!!!!

10.-They can eat it that way or it can be used as cheese in a pizza since it melts easily.

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