Simplicity Part 1

Your body screams for simplicity, it wants to heal itself each and every second of every day but yet it can't because you insist on constantly pushing things into it in search of some magical "nutrient" "vitamin" or "protein". It is not what you put in the body, it's what you clean out of the body.

Your body must learn to trust you again as your programmed/indoctrinated mind has riddled it with unnatural foods in a gluttonous manner.

Less is more

Remember as you become aware and change your eating habits and amounts, the body will start to self clean and YOU WILL HAVE detox symptoms/healing crisis and it will feel like you are getting sick or your life long issues are getting worse. This is TOXINS LEAVING THE BODY, let it go and release it forever.

More to come. Be vegan. Transition to higher vibrational living.

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