Minimalist Life Without a Car at 32°F/Easy VEGAN, RAW, GRAIN FREE Breakfast Cereal

This is my latest video. On this day, I navigate my life while running errands and going to yoga without a car of my own. As a way to decrease the amount of debt we have, we decided to sell my car. We now have a motorcycle but it is too cold to ride it right now! (Also, I am still scared and learning how to drive it myself). We both have our motorcycle license but I didn't spend enough time learning before the weather got too cold to ride. So, we have to work around my husband's work schedule by walking, taking the bus, riding my bicycle, and carpooling. Sometimes it takes me two or three times as long to get to and from work or get an errand taken care of as it would if I had a car. But it's totally worth it to not have that car payment.

Our goal right now is to become debt free in the next 5 years. Last year, our new year's resolution was simply to pay off all our credit cards. We made an 8 year plan that has now become 6 years because we were able to pay off over 30k in credit card and car debt in the first year! We are now working on our 65k+ student loans by paying a whopping $1300 a month! It's really hard sometimes but it will be so worth it when we reach our financial freedom! Our videos are about how we have fun on a budget! We hope to incorporate more travel videos as our freedom starts to become a reality. Our main goal is to be able to live a life of travel as my husband's job will allow him to have work anywhere we want to go!

I also show you a super easy idea for a raw, vegan, grain free bowl of cereal. I LOVE CEREAL! But, I don't always want all those ingredients they put in the box. I also don't want to pay $5 for a box of cereal that will last for maybe 4 or 5 bowls. So, I came up with this bowl of raw goodies that satisfies the crunchy/sweet cereal craving and is all whole, raw foods. You could make your own nut milk, but let's face it, I'm lazy and cheap. I just buy whatever nut milk I'm feeling (slash whatever is on sale and has the best ingredients available at whatever store I happen to be shopping). I'm seriously eating this every day right now. I just stock up on whatever fruits and nuts I want and then have all those ingredients for other things like salads and snacks.

Minimalist Life Without a Car at 32°F//RAW VEGAN GRAIN FREE Cereal Bowl

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