My thoughts on veganism,and my journey to becoming a vegan

I have been a vegan now for around 2-3 years it was a gradual process so to put an exact time figure would be difficult.I personally believe that their is degree of programming around eating meat.But that`s perhaps a topic for another article at least when it comes to going into detail.

From the age of around 4-5 I had a protest refused to eat meat at my great grandmother house and at my mums,although parenting was not going to allow me to give meat up at that age,at this point i will give myself a small pat on the back,i did take notice of cruel animal treatment and also tried to sometimes eat vegetarian food.

Very few people would talk to me about vegetarianism,and those that did would often have a negative view on it saying its natural not cruel to animals,and that the programming in my view of the food chain says humans are top.I only had one friend who would speak to me about his view was you can not have a health vegetarian but was against un necessary cruelty.

Throw out my early teenage years and pre teen years I carried on with the eventual goal of eating meat free,and still occasionally would eat vegetarian options.I have always been a bit of a raw foodist and never really cared for cooked food,this is unfortunately not really supported in many places,so this did make changing my diet hard.I remember trying to take to veggie burgers on a Saturday night back in the late 90s early 2000s when my family would order a take away,I have a sneaky suspicion that the veggie burgers were off,as I found them absolutely discussing ,and thinking back they reminded me of that taste you get when you eat salad thats been in the fridge a day or too,too long.

Another think I found hard to adapt to was meat free pizza,as I was never a fan of tomato the thought of eating cheese and tomato pizza was a difficult one to adapt to,I would often try get a meat free take away at least once every 4,but sometimes once every other week.

Unfortunately once I hit the age of around 17 I guess i had fallen for the programming of eating meat,this should have really been the time when I look back when I should have started to cut it out more,but I guess I just kept putting it off,using the moderation excuse and the humane slaughter myth to ease my conscious.By the age of 21-23 I was somewhat back on the path of meat free was only really buying one item a week containing meat and usually it would be from the supermarkets waste shelf.

Then one night shortly after i had done my weekly shop and bought my single meat product form the waste shelf,i went to my friends house the one I mentioned earlier form school,he said,"im going vegan" I guess that made me think,I used every excuse in the book to still eat some meat all these years.The main one was i will do it when im earning enough money,but for almost 2.5 years I had been earning not loads but a bit of money enough lets say.

When i got back from my friends house threw anyway the meat i bought from the shop,and took on a meat free diet,the journey did not stop their in 2013 i decided that veganism was were i needed to go,i had slowly reduced my animal products since going veggie,i never liked milk,didn't eat chocolate much at all,I guess it was just the cheese.

Ultimately one thing I never did was research the truth about slaughter,something I really should have done,documentaries such as earthlings,and what the health ,or just slaughter house video,I think would have certainly made the process quicker,the fact that bady cow are separated form their mother and birth and slaughter if they are a male,certainly hits a nerve.

If you are thinking of giving up meat and diary I would encourage you to seek the truth,ask yourself the hard questions is it justified to kill an animal when their is alternatives.The meat and diary industry is a supply and demand concept we stop buying the products the cruelty ends.

I shall be writingveganism.png more articles over the nest few weeks feel free to ask me anything.Peace

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