πŸŽ‚Treat Yo'Self! Brownies+Ice Cream+Cookies+Fudge = Cupcakes That'll Rock Your World! πŸͺ (Vegan+GF)

Did you read the title? Is your mind sufficiently blown from deliciousness yet?

Come check out heaven. Genuine, knee-weakening, paradise in the mouth.



Come let your taste buds float to new levels with these desserts that are basically the best gift ever to yourselt.

How this recipe started:

I was dreaming of cookies every night. My mind was swirling in thoughts of chocolate and cookie dough meshed into creamy clouds that rained down chocolate chips on me. Something straight out of Willy Wonka's factory.

But alas, I had no oven (at the time, that has since been fixed- Halllllllelujahhhh praise the cookies that are going to pop up on your feed now!!!) and buying cookies is generally difficult with my requirements: vegan, gluten free and no crap ingredients/chemicals added!

I had to get creative. I mean really dig deep into my inner chef extraordinaire to think what would be so damn delicious, my cravings would be satisfied the moment the bite entered my excited mouth!

Then it hit me! Off to the fruit stand to buy the coconuts to make the coconut cream, I went!

PS: Homemade Coconut Cream = easy AF:

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How to make your own coconut cream:

  1. Buy/pick coconut from tree (the older/more mature the better= more meat.)
  2. Cut open hole at top.
  3. Remove water (put aside.)
  4. Cut coconut in half.
  5. Remove meat.
  6. Add meat to blender.
  7. Add small amounts of coconut water while blending to get desired consistency!
  8. Voila! Your own homemade coconut cream!
    Optional: Add maple syrup and/or vanilla if you would like to give it more flavor/sweetness!
    You can buy it premade, I won't judge you!


Do you know how much food means to me by now?

I can't tell you enough how important I think food is to our health! Since experiencing phenomenal changes in my own life, in my body, mind and spirit, from changing my diet when nothing else in the world offered to me worked, I have become obsessed with sharing and inspiring recipes that will encourage you to try some better-for-you options!

Hopefully you'll give some of my mouth-watering concoctions a try and feel amazing eating these guilt free goodies too!

Come on this adventure to chocolate wonderland with me!


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What you need:

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Brownie Crust

  • 1 cup almonds (soaked overnight)
  • 1/2 cup pitted dates
  • 1/3 raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 coconut oil
  • 1/8 hemp hearts
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


Chocolate Coconut Cream Dream

  • 1 cup coconut shreds
  • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder
  • 1/8 coconut oil
  • 1/8 maple syrup
  • 1/2 tbs maca root powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    Additions not in the picture:
  • Add 1 cup coconut cream
  • Add 1 tsp vanilla


Cookie Nice Cream

  • 1 cup coconut cream (sweeten with maple syrup if you like sweet treats!)
  • 1 cup gluten free, vegan cookies
    (I used these tempe cookies that I get from a local producer here. He uses all organic and local ingredients!)


Chocolate Fudge

  • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder
  • 1/8 coconut oil
  • 1/8 maple syrup
  • 1 tbs peanut butter
  • 1 tsp sea salt

What to do:

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Brownie Crust:

  • Combine all of the brownie ingredients into a food processor.
  • Pulse until it sticks together.


  • Press into cupcakes molds that have been coated with coconut oil (so it doesn't stick!)
  • Place in the freezer to set.

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Chocolate Coconut Cream

  • Whip up all cream ingredients in the same food processor (no need to wash it unless you want to!)


  • Blend it all together until it comes together in a cream.
    You can omit the cacao if you'd like a white layer for contrast!



  • Scoop the cream out and carefully and evenly line it on top of the brownie layer.
  • Place back in the fridge for the second layer to set.


Cookie Nice Cream

  • Blend the coconut cream and cookies together.


  • Add this layer carefully into the mold on top of the other two. Try not to eat it all!
  • Feel free to add some maple syrup depending on how sweet you want your bundles of joy!


Chocolate Fudge

  • This part is just for fun (of course it's extra delicious!)


  • Blend together the chocolate fudge.
  • Pour into a bowl and stir it really well until it forms into a putty type consistency.


  • Ball it in your fingers and place small balls into the centers of each cupcake, carefully.
  • Put the tray in the freezer and let set for about an hour or until the cupcakes are frozen.




Enjoy fellow Steemians! I accept upvotes, comments, follows and resteems for my services 😘

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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! πŸ’–

My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

πŸ’Want a FREE Steemit Assistant to Make Your Life MUCH Easier?πŸ’
Your dream has come true- check it out!!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
πŸ’œIncredible Purple Vegan Quiche!
🍜Garden to Table: Coconut Curry!
🍝 Baked Lasagna
🍊Fruits to Make You Feel Your Best!
🍫Go Coco-NUTS for Homemade Creamy, Fudgy Chocolate Bars!
🍝 Mouth Watering, Creamy Cashew Alfredo Pasta Sauce!
🍞 The Ultimate Loaded Breakfast Sandwiches

Loving Sentiments:
πŸ“–The Naked Post Series: Ghost of You Pt. 2
πŸŽ‰Confessions Series: The Party Continues
πŸ“šThe Naked Post Series: Ghost of You

Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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