20 Myths about being A Vegan !


There is a lot of debate going on in the World about the concept of Veganism. Some are in favour of it and there are many who don't buy the idea of Veganism. They have their own reservations about it.

Needless to say, Veganism is here to stay and has several ardent followers who are adopting and transitioning to #Veganism but there are plenty of Myths afloat about being Vegan. Here are those 20 Myths:

  1. It is normally interpreted that the food Vegans eat is generally boring and tasteless, though that might not be entirely true.

  2. Protein is absolutely essential for the growth and development of the body and being vegan means you won't get enough protein. This might be one big misconception

  3. So when you go and buy Vegan Products, be it anything such as Almond Milk or even Coconut Milk Powder they are considered to be very expensive in general, therefore Veganism is considered expensive and only for the wealthy.

  4. The plant based diet and lifestyle of Vegans don't get them with enough nutrients, such as calcium and iron.

  5. With several compulsions and limitations to follow over what to eat and what not to eat, the Vegan diet is difficult to follow/practice and requires extensive level of planning.

  6. It’s very recently that there has been a lot of buzz around being Vegan, therefore its being thought that Veganism is a very latest trend & it is not maintainable in the long run considering its complex model.

  7. Considering the plant based diet may not provide adequate nutrition, so vegans perhaps might not be able to build muscles or be physically substantially fit.

  8. Since veganism is all about having plant based diet and lifestyle, its being believed that Plant-based substitutes are not as worthy as animal-based foodstuffs.

  9. Vegan diet being 100% Plant-based is considered to lack variety & is so very repetitious and boring.

  10. Since Veganism is all about having/eating ONLY 100% plant-based diet, therefore Vegans literally cannot enjoy at the social/public events or even dining out with friends and relatives or on several other occasions, because mostly at all such events the food and focus is more for non-vegans.

  11. As Vegans have to eat plant based diet only therefore they have to be extremely careful all the time that their food is not having any non-vegan elements, considering this being vegan is often thought to be time-consuming & perhaps requires truly extensive cooking.

  12. Generally its understood that a healthy individual can eat anything and everything, so veganism is only for those people who have or may have some specific health conditions/issues, therefore adopting veganism.

  13. That Vegan cannot meet their adequate energy needs/requirements without consuming animal products/foodstuff, which is actually considered powerhouse for building stamina and muscle mass.

  14. Most of the people think that plant-based diet is deficient or lacking in essential fatty acids.

  15. That the necessary fats required for brain health and lacking in the Vegan Diet

  16. With the level and complexity involved, veganism is really an extreme & radical lifestyle choice to follow.

  17. The way veganism is followed/adopted and perceived to be, it’s often considered that vegans can be judgmental & force their opinions/beliefs/theories on others.

  18. Perhaps majority of the World thinks that Plant-based diet is not suitable / appropriate for pregnant women and children.

  19. People adopting Veganism can be at a risk of “Vitamin B12- deficiency”.

  20. Most importantly that the Veganism is just a “phase” & people/individuals will eventually go back to eating animal products/foodstuff sooner than later.

Thank you!

PS: These are totally personal thoughts & expressions and in no way represent any advise or contradiction to the said concept, either about it or otherwise.

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