My Valentines Day

Hello Steemians! It's been a week :)
How was your Valentines Day?

I know it is a very late post for Valentines Day ㅠ-ㅠ
I wanted to post earlier but I was too busy studying and in bad shape for a week.

Anyway, my Valentines Day was not really special :) I just gave my BF handmade chocolate, nothing more.
It was my first experience to make pavé chocolate. The consequence was ..... a total failure HAHAHA

I forgot to take the procedure while making it. I was too busy on concentrating on it.
What I had to do was very simple.

  1. Just buy one chocolate package from Coupang (which is my favourite shopping site. They delivered my package in 2 days even it was right before 설날 .) *설날: Lunar New Year of Korea

  2. Because my package was made of white chocolate and dark chocolate, I had to double-boil them in two pots.

  3. Stir them with some whipping cream

  4. After that, put them separately in given paper containers and leave them in a freezer for an hour.

  5. Cut them into pieces and dust top generously with cocoa powder/ green tea powder etc.

But the thing is It was weirdly not easy to cut :0 Probably, I did not put enough cream.
So the result is this one as you can see :)) (The visual image looks ok though hahaha)


The lesson I got from this time is that I will just make molded chocolate, that is much easier :)
Here is what I made last year.




But it felt good to make something for my beloved one. We did not go to any nice restaurant on Valentines since he finished work so late that day.

But today, We had 유부초밥 (fried tofu rice balls) and sausages just like we were on a picnic. (When I was a kid, My favorite lunch menu for field trips was 유부초밥 or kimchi fried rice)


The taste combines sweetness and sourness. It would be a nice menu for vegetarians as well!
I am not a great cook but trying hard to survive to live alone without mommy's help hahaha

I haven't gone out lately due to my health condition but next time, I will try to post about other places as well :) Thank you for reading! Ciao

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