Negative Effects Of Valentine’s Day On Health

Hello steemians, compliments of the season. Today is lovers day a.k.a valentine’s day and I will be talking about the negative effects of Valentine’s Day on health.

I hope your day was cool, well as for me, over here in Nigeria, the sun has been scorching since morning, some of you are probably chilling in a swimming pool now, or even a Jacuzzi. Some of you have finally met your date. Let me officially say a happy valentine to you all.

WHO defined health as....

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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Valentine’s Day typically serves as a time to show appreciation for that special someone in our lives or as an opportunity to take a relationship to the next level.

It’s a time to celebrate love in all of its forms. But can Valentine’s Day be a dangerous time for the health of your relationship?

Holidays can be stressful, but your relationship probably made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Festivus, and New Year’s in one piece. Congratulations! Valentine’s Day should be a piece of cake, right?

In 2004 a study conducted at Arizona State University revealed that higher-than-usual rates of dating breakups occurred in the week before and the week after February 14th compared to other times of the year

Science_Of_Relationships_Valentines_Breakup_Infographic.jpgimage source
From this picture its could be seen that breakups in February are followed by that of April... It may have something to do with April Fool!

In the last 2 weeks, I have posted on how to maintain an emotional balance

The following could be the negative effects of valentine on health

Relationship strains.

Val's day can provide undue pressure and unmet expectations on a relationship. On Val’s day, our emotional part of our brain comes to play out. We tend to be anxious, disappointed etc. If we don't control these negative emotions, it has a way of having a negative feedback on our relationships

increase in STDs/STI

It's no news that Val’s day end in the ozza room. Sometimes, it happens so fast that, one may not be prepared for the gameplay. If you are lucky, u can negotiate condom use. If u aren’t, (well. Some people just don't like the condom thing).The valerian may end up getting sexually transmitted diseases from the Valerius. There are myriads of STDs...E.g. syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes etc. You can tell how this is really a big issue for healthcare professionals. Today I virtually didn’t see anybody since morning but I can imagine how an STD clinic would look like One week after Val’s day, the turnout would be overwhelming. Some patients may be lucky to get the phone prescriptions from friends, some may end up with wrong prescriptions by quacks. Poorly treated STD may make u susceptible to the dreaded HIV virus

susceptibility to HIV

On the issue of unprotected sex, if u are unlucky to get down with a person carrying the HIV virus, then u shouldn't be surprised when u go to do a test and you are given a positive result. A positive result, however, is not the end of life, you can still be on drugs

Unwanted pregnancy .

unprotected sexual intercourse will lead to unwanted pregnancy. These may lead to abortions and may even lead to loss of lives if it's done by a quack contributing to maternal mortality

Sexual accidents.

A Valius & Valerian may want to show their sexual prowess once had a case of penile fracture last two years In the emergency...The guy was high on drugs...and I don't know how he fractured his penis. Probably he performed an Acrobatic Sex. The gal rushed him to the hospital and she couldn’t just tell the story lol. But it didn’t take me long to figure it out.
The Girls to are not spared in the sexual accidents, they also have coital lacerations which might need a suturing have seen an abdominal penetration that was referred for surgery. I just wonder how all these sexual accidents occur

Illicit use of drugs and alcohol

The sexual act has been over flogged...but I think most people take drugs to enhance their performance. There are various types of drugs that can be injected for sexual pleasure (sexual aphrodisiac)
Some people even drink so much to get in the right mood. They forget that their kidneys are in danger. So they drink and pay the price later in a decade and they will be looking for funds to help them undergo a kidney transplant or dialysis. I recently heard a story of drinking methylated coke that is quite new.
All these can lead to road traffic accidents if the brain cannot cope, it may even lead to loss of lives if the accident is fatal.

Road traffic accidents because of long distance travels.

It has been argued that this is a rare cause, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. Most times the Valius & Valerian are in different cities because of long distance relationships

And it’s the valerian that makes the trip for the valentine just to go grab the goodies (full package including STDs lol).sometimes an RTA may occur which may be fatal. Road accidents are now negligible because of good road laws

Food poisoning

It's not rocket science to know that when u go on a date, u want to explore new restaurants and eating spots. Some people are not lucky after these visits...They go with a Val gift from these eateries( Stomach upset) Imagine planning how your whole day is going to end up, only for you both to be having serious stomach upsets. And when you go to see a doctor and he confirms a food poisoning. Your whole day will be messed up.

Physical abuses.

After the Val, some side chicks may want to pick up fights. They may have taught they would end up with a Valerius. The guy may switch sim and chill with his valerius.the side chick will call to no avail. When they finally meet, arguments start up, and it may lead to battery and fights.
All these are sequels of valentine episodes.
Many employers too may give questionable gifts to female employees that can cause problems at home and vice versa

So, in summary, I will say that love is one of the greatest need in life, people need love like roses need rain. Without sufficient love and acceptance, individual exhibit all kinds of personality and physical problems. It is only possible to be happy when your needs for love are completely fulfilled

Love is the reason for the season
Once again I wish you all a steeming valentine. Remember to play safe and by the rules.

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