Health War: HPV Vaccine’s Likely Contribution to Sweden’s Spike in Cervical Cancer

When the U.S. introduced the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in 2006, cervical cancer rates had been steadily declining for several decades, in large part due to successful and routinized cervical cancer screening. A similar trend also was underway in Europe, including in Scandinavia. Within that region, Sweden stood out as having the lowest levels of cervical cancer.

Sweden now appears poised to lose this distinction. Sweden’s Center for Cervical Cancer Prevention reported in 2017 that the incidence of invasive cervical cancer has reversed course and is climbing in nearly all counties. The increase was particularly steep (20%) over the two-year period from 2013 to 2015. Neither the Center, health authorities nor the media offered any explanation for the turnaround in the country’s long-established cervical cancer trends.

As a first step in assessing the unexpected uptick in Sweden’s cervical cancer incidence, the anonymous researcher’s simple analytic strategy was to parse, by age group, the same national data that informed the 2017 report. When the researcher compared cervical cancer rates in younger women (ages 20-49) to rates for older women (over age 50), he found that age made a big difference: “The increase in the incidence of cervical cancer was shown to be most prominent among women 20–49 years of age while no apparent increase was observed among women above 50” [emphasis added]. When he compared changes in invasive cervical cancer incidence in 2006 versus 2015, he again found that the increase mostly affected younger women—and especially women in their twenties. Why should this be the case, when we are told that HPV-induced cervical cancer “often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV”?

So there's a couple things to note here, if Cervical Cancer is on the rise in Sweden along with HPV vaccination rates. Common sense says this is not what is suppose to happen to a population vaccinated against cervical cancer. Big Pharma and the Government have been promoting HPV vaccines to reduce cervical cancer not to increase them so what is going here. Does the vaccine have a low effectiveness? Even if it did you would still think that would just result in cervical cancer rates flat lining or a slight decease. Another option is that this vaccine actually infects women with the HPV virus and cancer appears later on in life that would account for the high vaccinations rates and increased cervical cancer.

The other issue with this article is the fact that this researcher had to hide their identity because there such a backlash and really a cult like behavior from colleagues and government officials when someone disagrees with the rest of the group. How can the public really trust these experts when any dissenting opinion is grounds for being fired or loosing all your research money? This type of cult like behavior reminds me of another controversial topic called global warming where scientist routinely get prediction wrong and have to readjust their models but it's still called a settled science and if you question these models then you're labeled a "climate denier" and you're kicked out of the club.


U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims

WASHINGTON, April 10, 2013 - Gardasil, the vaccine for HPV (human papillomavirus), may not be as safe as backers claim.

Judicial Watch announced it has received documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded $5,877,710 dollars to 49 victims in claims made against the highly controversial HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines. To date 200 claims have been filed with VICP, with barely half adjudicated.

The vaccine court was setup decades ago when Big Pharma was getting its ass sued by people claiming their vaccines damaged them. It was bad enough that Big Pharma threatened congress that they would leave the US if they didn't do something about these lawsuits. So Congress passed a law saying the government is responsible for vaccine injuries and not the manufacture. You could say Congress gave them a get out of jail free card? More hoops the jump through to sue for damages means only the very serious and clear cut cases actually go to the vaccine court. For everyone one case in the court there's probably hundreds more that don't pass the screening process and probably even more that give up after they learn how difficult it is to sue the government.

What the Gardasil Testing May Have Missed

An eight-month investigation by Slate found the major Gardasil trials were flawed from the outset, however, and that regulators allowed unreliable methods to be used to test the vaccine’s safety. While these flaws do not mean Gardasil caused the rare crippling illnesses reported by the media, they are troubling. Public health officials use trials like these both to determine safety and, as evidenced by Merck’s statement above, to reassure the public when concerns like the ones about Gardasil arise. A flawed study design can complicate both tasks.

The problem with many vaccines trials is they don't study the long term health of participants. Many vaccine trials only look at side effect during the first couple of weeks There's no studies looking at the long term health of these participants months or years after being injected. Most drug trials require long term studies but because a vaccine is a one time thing they only look for short term side effects. This article points out some of the flaws in testing the HPV vaccine. It even suggest Merek may have bent the rules for testing in order to get the HPV vaccine approved. Of course there's no incentive for Merek to preform a thorough test because the US government is on the hook not Merek for damages caused by a bad vaccine.

That is why it's important everyone do their own research on these vaccines because the companies have a get out of jail free card if they produce a defective product. No other industry has such a sweet deal with the government and I would argue it only encourages these vaccine makers to cut corners in safety and research so they can get the most bang for their buck.

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