Some Thoughts on the Anti Anti-Vax Movement

I don't bother to keep up with current news and events too much anymore. But the last few times I have indulged myself, vaccinations have been among the hottest topics of discussion. For this reason, I'd like to share my own thoughts on vaccinations, and on the hatred and ridicule being directed towards those who side against them.

To begin with, I'd like to make it clear that I am entirely against vaccinating young children. In fact, I am quite against vaccinations as a whole. Though the most common reason for one to be against vaccines seems to be the belief that they can lead to autism, I am not too convinced on this. I've a different theory on what is causing the meteoric rise in autism over the past few decades, but in terms of vaccinations, the reasons I am against them are as follows;

  • The majority of the diseases children are vaccinated to prevent are extremely rare. As an example, let us look at the Polio virus. Children are vaccinated up to four times to prevent from this disease, yet there were reportedly only 33 confirmed cases of Polio in 2018. Furthermore, only 1 in 200 who contract the virus are said to suffer any serious problems. Consequently, you have more chance of dying from slipping in the shower than you do from contracting Polio. If we are going to vaccinate children four times to prevent from a disease they'll likely never have to suffer, then why not also take a hammer to their skulls, softly and repeatedly, to condition their bodies for the slip on a banana skin they are also unlikely to ever experience?

  • Vaccines spread disease. Though I am certain some would study my first point and conclude that it is because of vaccines that so few now suffer from Polio, I would have to disagree. Vaccine shedding can turn newly vaccinated children into weaponized virus spreaders. The Polio virus would have likely been killed off in its entirety by nature if not for it being protected in vaults and laboratories for the purposes of creating vaccines. It seems to me that the sad truth may be that the 33 who contracted the disease last year, would likely not have if the virus had not been introduced into their environment by vaccines. It is funny in a way, because it is often said that you shouldn't let your children play with unvaccinated children. But it is the vaccinated children who are carrying a ton of dangerous diseases they would never otherwise have come anywhere near that pose the real threat to children who have not been vaccinated.

  • The internal mechanics of the placebo and nocebo effect remain a mystery, but the power of the placebo is nevertheless embraced. From a psychological standpoint then, teaching a child that the world is out to get them to the extent that they need a myriad of injections, and furthermore teaching them that they alone do not have the power to protect themselves without the assistance of medical intervention, is surely setting a child up for a lifetime of expecting sickness and being unable to heal without drugs or medical care. I find this incredibly convenient for the pharmaceutical industry who manufacturer the vaccines, and who stand to make further profits down the line as a result of their vaccines convincing children they need drugs to survive in the world they were born in. Conversely, a child who is not vaccinated, and who when contracts an illness, fights it off their self, would learn that their body is powerful enough to fight back disease and be less inclined to look for pharmaceutical solutions to ailments throughout their life.

  • Having observed the profit driven nature of society, vaccinations make the most sense from the perspective of those who manufacture them. If you can ensure that everyone in the world, or at least the majority, has to pay for your product(be it through taxes or otherwise), then you have a very, very successful business model. For this reason alone, any science that confirms the necessity for children to be vaccinated should come under heavy scrutiny. It is not uncommon for scientific data to be bought and paid for, and to read something that is peer reviewed and to consider it trustworthy because of it, is incredibly naive. Corporate leaders are obligated under contract to prioritise making profits for their share holders. Furthermore, the top corporations have divisions that deal with public relations(propaganda), so if one can honestly believe that the manufacturers of vaccines are not spending millions or more, to influence the public towards the belief that they need vaccines, then one hasn't looked closely enough at society and how it operates. If you consider the population of the Earth, the percentage that are vaccinated, and the amount of vaccines they will get in their lifetime; then if you put yourself into the shoes of a CEO at the head of a company that manufactures vaccines, how dangerous does the anti-vax movement become to your profits? How much would you spend to sway public opinion away from the notion of anti-vaxxing, and to demonise any who are against vaccines to the extent that the average person is afraid to become an anti-vaxxer for fear of being ridiculed by their peers? My guess is you would spend a lot, and in the most creative ways possible. You might even go as far as to pay thousands of people(or employ sophisticated bots) to comment on every vaccination video insulting and dehumanising anti-vaxxers- because people are mostly sheep and they will believe whatever it looks like other people do. If that sounds far fetched to you, just search on google for "buy positive feedback" and get a taste for the amount of services available for influencing opinion through false commenting. And that's available to the likes of you and me, what do you think is available to billion dollar corporations?

  • The greater good has always been a bullshit notion. Injecting children with dangerous chemicals is wrong. This should be the end of the discussion. But too often in this world do we do what we know is wrong under the guise of doing something right within a bigger picture that exists only within our mind. But the choices we make exist in the present and for this reason they should always be intrinsically good, not justifiably good. The vaccine injury compensation funds exist because, as one would expect, injecting children with dangerous chemicals... is dangerous, and it goes wrong far more often than children contract the Polio virus. These victims of "the greater profit margin" that has been sold to us as "the greater good," would never have been victims if we didn't adhere to the notion of "greater goodness" in the first place. So forget every other factor of vaccinations and simply ask if it is right to inject dangerous chemicals and rare diseases into children, and you will find the simplest reason why I think that vaccinations are wrong.

There's a growing hatred for anti-vaxxers. I've read so many comments that speak to how anti-vaxxers should be banned from schools or from travelling because they are a danger. This makes no sense at all really. Why should a vaccinated child be at risk from an unvaccinated one? If you've trust in the vaccination process, then it shouldn't matter whether your child plays with an unvaccinated child, because yours is protected. But, the sad and far too often unspoken truth is that it is a danger for unvaccinated children to play with vaccinated ones, for they do in fact carry rare diseases, and are contagious often as long as a month after they've been immunised.

So, before you join the anti-anti-vax movement and find yourself looking down on unvaccinated children, thinking of them as disgusting disease carriers, ask yourself how many viruses are swimming around in your child? How many of those viruses would never have shown up in your child's immediate environment if not for them being preserved in laboratories and then injected into your child for a fee?

If an anti-vaxxer can respect your decision to have your child immunised, then perhaps you ought to find it in your heart to respect their decision not to do the same to their child. You either vaccinate your children because you're afraid they will get sick from a disease later, or you don't vaccinate your child because you're afraid your child will suffer from the immunisation process itself. Both decisions are spawned from a desire to protect a child, and consequently, both are respectable in at least that regard. But the level of hatred and ridicule I am witnessing defeats any notion of mutual respect, and in doing so, it burns any bridges to communication that could otherwise have been fruitful for both parties.

This again, seems quite convenient to me. So I ask you to rise above it, and to look at anti-vaxxers, or vaccine advocates, not as idiots who made the wrong choice, or child abusers who ought to be punished, but as human beings who fear for their children's safety, just as you do. Perhaps then discussion and the sharing of information can be done in a more open-minded manner, and all the world's children might one day be safer for it.

Thanks for reading

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