Vaccines, no I won`t take a vaccine.

This is a topic that will divide opinion, and from what I have experienced this topic can also be used as an excuse. An excuse to simply act high and mighty and for people to try justify themselves to themselves. I have had some Facebook politicians often attack me for simply asking questions surrounding the validity and effectiveness of such phramasuitical products, many exposing themselves in the process for have little or no knowledge on the topic in the process, instead simply refusing to question what they have been taught as fact and knowing that the average uninformed man or women will join in the attack often for no other reason other than the want to feel superior knowledge wise. For me these are the acts of insecure individuals looking for escapism via ego, sadly society is still very backward and they will mock what they don`t understand.

Some often say to me your believing fake news or what proof do you have and the truth is I have no definitive proof, but neither do they, as much as they might think they do everything in life is a touch of grey. This post however is not designed to be a rant about internet trolls, I must say usually I have been quite good at avoiding drama but their are times when I bite, and while this is not a topic I post about much I feel it important I speak my mind on this view as respectfully as I can.

I personally was given an MMR shot at the age of 7 I believe , not sure if its still given at that age but this was given I believe my whole school if I remember correctly, shortly after being given this shot I was I had chronic kidney pains a feeling of have a stitch that would not relent. Shortly after this I had several sudden on sloughs of kidney pain which lead me to being monitored by the hospital for around 2 years ,and on finding myself in pain went urinating and at one point even bleeding in the process, Was this down to the MMR jab I personally feel as though it was.

I very much stayed quiet about vaccines perhaps a small bit of questioning was there but it took the lime light in 2008, when my employer was recommending it work force get vaccinated against swine flu.This seemed to be an illness that came out of no where, and for me did not seem too serious, in reality I was never going to take a shot unless I felt it was needed, I had other suspicions about the whole swine flu epidemic but for me it was a simple choice that needed little more thought.

This post is definitely threatening to become rather long, so I will get to the real parts of interest, I had spoken to allot of parents about this topic and it was a common theme many saying the suspected their children of developing difficulties after taking vaccines. Later on I took a look at states and noticed that illnesses such as polio were on the decline before a vaccine was introduced in fact it was claimed the vaccine wiped out polio despite only 9 percent being vaccinated. A similar trend when it came to measles can be seen, in the UK a large drop in measles cases was seen when in door plumbing came a more common feature.

Lobbying is a common trait of many governments across the world, the government often signs big money deals with these companies for their products, expecting everyone to take these drugs is massive money, this also removes any liability from the companies making these products. Some may ask why would the government do this well in the UK G4s happened to be given massive contracts funded by the government, making share holders millions and it just so happened that the husband of then priminister Theresa may had a very nice position in said company.

A british medical journal that examined randomised vaccine trails it found that non pharmasuitical funded trials were more likely to report negative or mixed finding.Most of the vaccine manufacturers are often the ones doing the safety testing and unfortunately that is something that I would not trust.

CNN reported back in 2017 that large pharmasuitical companies lied about patients having cancerin order to get products approved

Glaxosmith kline and Pfizer paid out 10.5 billion in settlements for injury over a 21.5 year period, however in 2014 those companies posted net profits of 17.7 billion USD.

In 2012 Glaxo smith kline payed 3 billion in a settlement with the US government over misleading medical journal articles.

GKS also failed for 6 years from 2001 to include safety data about avandia to the FDA, this was needed to determine weather the FDA should approve the drug.

A article reference News week big pharma plays hide ball with data.

Merick voluntarily removed Vioxx after it was bought to light that their was significant evidence that it caused severer cardio vascular harm.
Merick researchers had raised some concerns about this in 1996 in its early trail however this was not reported to the FDA .

I feel that it is a possibility that the 5 yes only 5 companies that own the mainstream media could also have links to these companies in the form of share, or simply accept money to show there companies products in a positive light.Health care is big business and getting people who have no health issues to start taking medication is massive business.

I have spoken with a friend about this he asked a nurse what was in a vaccine she said she did not know, he also said that a company that a relative of his works for sells these drugs, and if the GP prescribes said drugs they get a bonus.
I could go on allot longer on this but my over all thought is that doctors etc will only give you advice based on what they are taught and what they are taught is based on a business and profit.

I personally as a vegan who eats a rather raw diet, practises meditation gets regular exercise meditates, and spends allot of time in nature and has some decent friends, I have only been to the doctors twice in almost 15 years, I have often cured myself of colds and various other bugs using natural cures and generally taking it easy during times of illness.So perhaps big pharma is not the only way to go when it comes to taking care of your health,this information is in front of everyones eyes its not conspiracy or people just trying to got against the grain for the sake of it,goverments have in the past experiment on their citizen eg in America some African American gentlemen were told they were getting free health care when in fact they were injected with syphilis.

They also told us smoking was safe and radio active lipstick was safe,so having a jab containing cells from aborted fetues ,monkey blood alumimum,mercury and many more questionable ingredients being give a free pass throw the blood brain barrier, that is not something I want and many will say they believe in freedom of speech religion open mindedness etc but often when it comes to deciding what is injected into you many turn into dictators, most importantly here in my view trust your instinct.

Thank you


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