Another post about the vaccine debate.( The push back I have experenced andwhat i actually think)

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Since my last post on this topic a few things have changed the majority of the people gang stalking me have gone, anybody who has any controversial will know you will usually be attacked by the usual suspects. I find most of the time these people tend to follow politics, which throw my experience does make people rather self righteous. It sometimes seem to be that all you need to be intelligent in society is an attitude an outspoken approach, a basic knowledge of the latest media stories and an opinion that is either the one pushed by the media or maybe one slightly different to make it seem like some thought and critical thinking has been put into it, or that at least seems to be the way it comes across.

Here are a few things I have received, one that I may think I`m an independent thinker but your just a contrarian, I have had this off 2 people both who I have not seen in a number of years. And also never had a face to face exchange with on the topic, infact not even a proper online exchange for that matter as to why I have come to the conclusions I have come to, so these people are quite frankly in no position to judge, a interest in politics and a bit of reading the news certainly seems to give these people the idea that they can enter somebodies being.

Now its safe to say I have not always done myself any favours when it comes to these people often sharing articles with the primary intention of just exercising my right to speak my mind, initially I was careful with what I shared the articles in my view were only anti vaccine via ones perception. The first one being anti vaccine japan have lowest infant mortality rate, now other than the words anti vaccine, the article for me was stating japan record of low infant mortality rate, and that there was no longer mandatory vaccines, and their vaccines programme was rather small compared to some.

A friend of mine who had worked in a hospital when training to mid midwife commented stating that she did not vaccinate her kids, this was a women who if you speak to certainly knows a thing or two, as she studied the topic is sociology and was one of the people who encouraged me to look a bit deeper and ultimately begin to discus the topic more. However the usual judgements were to follow, your denying science and listening to dismissed doctors like Andrew wakefield and Hollywood doctors, this is the type of thing people such as myself and my friend are often up against this was a judgement by this man about someone he knew nothing about and had never met before. Little did he know she most likely knew more on the topic than he did, but for me the whole il do a google search read a bit about it then I can pass myself off as informed, the level of narrow mindedness really stunned me. The man even went to the extreme of slightly implying my friend was an unfit mother, in which she delt with it very well saying her children are raised vegan, and given the opportunity to exercise etc, and touched on the fact that children given poor diets are potentially being abused.

I must admit usually Im allot more sharp with what I am currently saying here, I am normally allot more neutral and less scathing with my opinions on other peoples behaviour and views, however its become abundant that, that will only get you so far with some people.

I was later randomly trolled by many people I used to have contact with on facebook, quite often on unrelated posts such as a quote by plato, and a post about the riots in france I mentioned I had herd form a reasonably reliable source that their was a protest in regards to vaccines weather or not this was true I don't know.

A couple of months after being confronted on a plato post by two other people, one to be fair being reasonable in the end the other using the power of judgement for self and social importance and approval, hoping that I would react on impulse and emotion to give off the elusion that their argument had some truth to it. Basically I was accused of not taking another persons views in to account, and that I was posting this stuff without any real reaserch. Again I believe here that he was hoping I would get on the defensive and I think we all know when someone gets on the defensive they often loose credibility in the moment because they are often driven emotion too much. I quietly reminded him that I had never expressed my view on vaccines previously and had only made 1 previous post several months before in which I declined to get into any type of dialog,I also reminded this man we had not had contact with each other for years so he was not really in a position to say anything.

A couple of months after I herd a news story of two babies dyeing after being injected with MMR, I decided I wanted to post the news story on social media despite the likely push back and ridicule.I made a decision which I knew was going to likely be at my expense to share the story form an unknown news source, I was safe in the knowledge that this was out in the mainstream, however to see if I got the reaction I was expected which was fake news it was worth it. Straight away I was met with my ususal fan club first up was my childhood friend who sadly was someone I was vastly loosing time for.He was making his usual pompous comments trying to make out his complete disregard for another human being was justified because he felt I was wrong, and that all his judgements of me were ture, this is clearly for me an issue with the person spouting the negative energy and not me.From a spiritual point of view I think people like this are often corrupted but that's another story for another time.

Unfortunately despite not drinking much these days this was a rare day where I was a little bit drunk,my response was a rather blunt more than usual but I guess after this man had abused 2 of my friends in the past I felt it was fair game. My response was met with desperate attempts to create a BS irony in order to try get into my head and make me angry.I mentioned mercury and femeldahyde in my scepticism of vaccines which I was told science says their say quote what else you got.It became evident to me that these people were not going to listen to anything I had to say, at this point it also seemed that they were implying that the article was fake news while bizarrely also telling me that investigations showed the vaccines were not a bad batch just the wrong one was given.

Now given the past record of pharmaceutical companies that is not something I would personally trust at least with allot of research, however even if it was human error like this pro vaccine claimed for me that does not dissolve any concern or settle the matter that vaccines are safe, for me personally if they were truly safe and not dangerous in any way these deaths would not have accrued regardless. (link below)

After the usual trolling from my fan club, it made me think I am rather think skinned but it felt sad and ironic to me that these people who follow politics claim to be good transparent informed people sanding for social justice, none discriminative , fairness all round regardless of what type of person you are in terms of beliefs, and most ironically free speech, should be acting somewhat similar to bitchy school children because someone is saying something different. I also felt the whole line of people need to be educated on doing the right thing argument I often received and that I was causing harm was rather self righteous,for me people do not need internet politicians and internet activists telling other people what to do, your opinion does not mean much its their for others to take or leave, people do not have to have a PHD to make a decision, further having an attitude and a computer does not make you an expert, but I guess I'm just ranting now.

I did agree at one point to perhaps put forward some information as what I had posted had been written off, so called evidence that had been provided to me was quite clearly found on the first page of google (subject to article 13) as I checked. After the level of disrespect I received though I decided not to do this as quite simply it was not worth my time spending hours finding good information as past behaviour of these people suggested that all would happen is it would be wrote off with some minor point, such as autism is easier to diagnose which was a quote I go back when I said I come across more autistic children now in my line of work that I did 8-10 years ago.

Mercury is often said not to be in vaccines anymore, and form what the NHS website said this is true in some cases however, Hepatitis jabs and the flu jab (which is given annually) still contains it.

As a vegan whilst their may be some alternatives most vaccines contain egg proteins and port gelatine, on a spiritual level and perhaps more impotently a humaine level.

Human serum, Now their are other theories as to what this is but the NHS in the UK claim its a stabilising agent coming form human blood, pay attention to the wording here "it is considered safe"

Formaldehyde. Found naturally in the body as a by product (waste product of the body) can be a cancer risk if exposed to in high quantities.

Aluminium. Although small amounts of aluminium from these everyday sources can build up in the body, they're not believed to be harmful to our health. Our bodies do not use aluminium and it's gradually eliminated in our pee. Quote form NHS website. Its is also classed as toxic in high quantities.

The small pox vaccines is one of the oldest vaccines, however I am not going to say too much myself, expect look and the states and I feel that this book is a good source of information.

The basic argument I have and if I could go back I would have been more clear about it, but I believe I now know the correct terminology so their should be no confusion as to where I stand on this. The studies only put forward comparison figures, not taking into account improvements in living standards such as indoor plumbing, improvement of mental health, and diet.

Basically I will only pipe down when I see double blind tested peer reviewed studies into each vaccination, with the data from the clinical trials. I would like to state as much as I am against animal testing as I don't think its necessary I`m aware its unlikely to stop anytime soon, so as long as these tests are as humane as possible with no cost cutting and the test will only go ahead if their is going to be no major effect on the animal then is something I guess might have to be tolerated for now.I would also like to add that the world health organisation classifies the ingredients mentioned as forms of poison

Herd immunity. this concept not only has not been proven but, in my view is very unlikely to be true at all, vaccines have
an effectiveness time period usually of around 5-10years then it would mean that adult must re-new their vaccines post school, throw my experience most adult have not, there for the majority of the population is un vaccinated so if all these diseases were rife and dangerous surely we would see more cases.

States in the 1960 in the usa the states for measles showed : CDC estimate one in 7,500 resulted in death and falling, more recent states from the UK show 1 death per year from measles if that these states do not take into account age, or underline health issues, which if their were underline health issues something as simple as a common cold could have killed a child.

The vitamin K jab given to a child at 2 moths old is 20,000 more than an infants body can handle thus leaving the window open to infection. Now some may say what happens if children are allergic to vaccines and it is a good question however if the herd immunity argument comes into it I will automatically disengage, their are ways to support the immune system via natural remedy and ultimately diet and their are parent groups out their doing this. An example off the top of my head is vitamin A12 being good support for measles. It is also understood that children do not have antibodies until 9 months old their for children having jabs at 8 weeks old seems too early.

Here are two links that might shed some more light on this :

To give a more clear view of some of the things that pharmaceutical companies have got up to, such as withholding safety information from the FDA a link to my previous post on this can be found here

All in all it is of my opinion based on what I know and have researched that the immune system can benefit from overcoming a illness, Super bugs have seemed to become immune from antibiotics in the past and health professionals will often recommend not over using antibiotics. Their are report that vaccines could be causing these illnesses to get stronger however that's something I don't want to get too far into.

Their are also allot of films out their here is just one but others include vaxxed, vaccination

A film loosely related about health.

Should have Dr Andrew wakefield have been discredited :

Now I don't claim to be an expert I simple want a choice in what is injected past the blood brain barrier of myself any children I may end up having, could vaccines be safe or necessary in some cases I dont know, but when theirs enough money for governments to buy these vaccines, whilst also protect these companies from any legal action.However theirs not enough money to end child poverty which thus would improve health I will remain suspicious, and further more since I have not been to a doctor in around 10 years and not had antibiotics in 14 years Id saying I can first and formost look after myself, I don't need to accept drugs when I am healthy. One last link il let one of my favourite youtubers explain in his elegant way

Take care.


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