Is Your Career & People's Opinions MORE Important Than DOING THE RIGHT THING? Please ... if you know something, SAY IT!

**Speak out if you have experienced extreme corruption first-hand, where murdering and maiming of innocent lives is done for profits or to maintain the status-quo.

**Warn others that their lives are in danger if you have information that is being withheld.

**Don't worry about the names that you will be called. True heroes are often unrecognized and slandered.

** Don't put your own financial interests above the very lives and well-being of others ... especially children!

** BE BRAVE! **

Anu Vaidya, is the camera man for the current stretch of the VaxXed Nation Tour.

In this video below, Anu Vaidya, rants about his frustration of how people will walk up to the VaxXed Nation Tour Bus and share a story of Whistleblower proportion, but then end up saying that they can't go on camera because are too afraid and they might lose their job.

He is frustrated because almost every day he hears several new stories of children and families destroyed due to pharmaceutical industry corruption, and the reach that it has into physicians offices, scientific research and government.

He has experienced this destruction himself as the parent of a vaccine-injured child.

Listen to Anu Vaidya's frustration of hearing a woman's first-hand accounts of witnessing corruption in the vaccine industry, only to be told that "I can't talk on camera because I might lose my job."

Do The Right Thing

Posted to youtube on 2017-05-28

Below, I am going to recognize several of the Truth Tellers that I have previously written about, who had a lot to lose by speaking out, yet did it anyways.

These BRAVE souls went live on camera with the VaxXed Nation Tour and told the world about their personal experiences with corruption and lies and lives being destroyed.

These People Did the RIGHT THING!

ER Doctor TELLS ALL: Vaccine-Induced SEIZURES -- A regular occurrence in his Seattle Emergency Room


“VACCINES Can and Do Cause AUTISM” Declares Criminal D.A. in Texas, Nico LaHood


Dr. Suzanne Humphries: Doctors get Harassed for Reporting Vaccine Adverse Events Reactions to V.A.E.R.S. -- So How Can We Know The Real Numbers?


US Military WHISTLEBLOWER: Soldiers Used as Lab Rats -- Anthrax Vaccine/Gulf War Syndrome


Medical Ethics Professor in West Virginia shares his concerns surrounding VACCINE SAFETY and EFFICACY


Propaganda Professor at NYU discusses FAKE NEWS & VaxXed


PLAGUE: Courageous Dr. Mikovitz Faced Prison & Career Suicide Rather Than Allow Her Findings to be Discarded


Dr. Phan Speaks Out: A Medical Doctor Who Actually Follows the Hippocratic Oath - BRAVO!


Fetal Demise in the Womb -- Whistleblower at Medical Billing Company sheds light on Vaccines during Pregnancy


Dr. Andrew Wakefield a VILLAIN or a HERO? Here's what the Mainstream Media has left out ...


For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

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I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.
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