story caught in the mood episode 1-5

story caught in the mood episode 1-5
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s a young girl of just 19 years of age..I had envisioned my wedding day to be on a beach with lots of decoration..twinkled lights and pearls on my wrist..I would want it to be towards evening where lights could been seen and glow beautifully..yes! That’s my dream..No, I don’t need much and few friends would do; but that’s a dream for age 25, I am just 19 and d--n I love this guy first love..the guy I willingly gave my virginity..he was just 21 and we are about to get married? What life would we live?
My father was a deacon..well respected in church..he took me as his pride..the apple of his eyes, I shouldn’t make a mistake
“You just have to be perfect”
He often tells me like I was an angel without blemish..Dating any guy was out of the picture, I would squat all night if he dare catch me standing, talk less of even talking with any boy..but it wasn’t my fault they always come after me, I was extremely pretty with my sweet, tiny voice that when I sang in church I would have to run home after service before my father see those guys asking for my number
How then did David come into the picture? the guy was too handsome with an equal melodious voice that sometimes I would insist he takes Solo in our choir group..we were choristers and I started crushing on him the moment he saved me from falling off stage during Christmas Carroll.. He was this gentle guy, even my dad loved him, so it wasn’t an issue when my dad noticed we became friends
He was sacrificial and somehow stuck to my side..and when he asked me out, I agreed immediately; and then we started our hide and seek lovers game..we dated secretly for 5months..I had my first kiss on my nineteenth birthday and I felt I was ready..ready to give everything to him..
I invited him home for the first time when mum and dad had gone for their normal church meetings. I never knew he was a virgin too..we had that painful, blissful moment but my parents caught us was hell for me..I didn’t was decided father would not tolerate immortality in his house..we have to get married
Now I stand staring at the mirror in my wedding dress..David had pleaded with me to give in..but I knew our lives still had a lot to I ran, I left him stranded at the altar..I have to find my life someplace name is oluwatoke bisola..and this is my story..
Unlike every story book I guess you’ve read..mine is a bit complicated..that it sometimes makes me cry and laugh alike.. Well as I earlier explained..I escaped..with the little savings I lagos without directions..for
tunately, I had my phone with me so I called up my aunty who stayed in Aunty Naomi was not in good terms with my mum..I really wished I knew I just went there with faith
I arrived there at 7pm in the evening,it had rained heavily, I was all wet and shivering..I was ushered in by my cousin bode..he was very tall and huge..I was always scared of him, even when my mom had always assured me he was kindhearted..that was her own view sha; what I saw was Goliath on earth
“Bukky..what is this? Where are you coming from? Where is your mum? Why did you enter the rain?”
Everyone called me Bukky instead of my full name. I had open my mouth, but the question was now more than I was thinking which one to answer seems she noticed my struggle
“Just go and change”
Great! The sentence she was suppose to say
“This way”
Tosin ushered me to her room
“You can change into anything you like in the wardrope”
She seemed nice..we were of the same age range, although we’ve never been that close because of our parents issues
Later that night I explained everything to my Aunty..she was really attentive and I prayed she believed me
“ can stay for a while..but you would have have go back home”
I nodded in agreement..although going back home was the least in my agenda
My dream was to be a fashion was my dream since I was a kid..and I just got admission to Lagos state university to study art..I wasn’t sure my aunty would want to sponsor me..tosin had gotten admission too. Fortunately to the same university
“I got an admission to Lagos state university too..back home”
I opened up to tosin..when she came back home rejoicing about her own admission”
“Really?! That’s great..we would be roommates”
I feigned a smile..I wasnt too sure about that..within minutes she hurried to my Aunty
“Bukky.. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if you both stay together.. But during weekend you would both help me in the shop”
My Aunty said
Wait! Does that mean am actually going to school?! I felt like calling home but I remembered I had broke my sim the moment I entered Lagos..
For a week everything went smooth..until one night when Goliath requested my presence in his room..oluwa help me..what does he want now?

Episode 2

I entered his room and stood by the door, my legs were shaking..he laid down pressing his phone and acted like I didn’t exist for a while..before he dropped his phone and sat up to look at me
“Why are you standing there? Come in. What are you scared of? Are you not my sister?”
Hmm..maybe it was not what I was thinking..I took a bold step and entered the room..but I made sure the door was left open..
“I just felt that you’re going to school to learn the course I I should enlighten you a bit”
‘Oga na you be the enlightener oh’…I thought..maybe it was a pure intention sha..I sat on the stool as he instructed..he brought out some textbooks and placed them on my thigh drew a stool close and sat opposite me..
“You know you’re a beautiful girl”. has started..I knew this Goliath had an ulterior does “I want to enlighten you” suddenly change to “you know you’re a beautiful girl” within minutes, just like that. Immediately I started thinking of ways to excuse myself
“Uncle please aunty bought drugs for me not feeling too well. Lemme go and take my drugs”
I attempted to stand up but he caught my hand and held me back
“What’s wrong with you this your first time? spoilt girl.. Just cooperate within minutes I’ll be done”.
Jesus! My heart raced..I believed my neighbours could even hear my heart beat..
“Uncle please..I have not done this before. I’m a virgin, please don’t do this to me”
I had to lie..hoping it would convince him..but he had gone mad like my body was intoxicating him..
“Don’t worry after the little pain you’ll enjoy it”
He grabbed me and started kissing me roughly.. I struggled.. as he attempted to close my mouth I bit his middle finger with all the feminine strength I had..he screamed on top of his voice as his finger gushed out bleeding..but it didn’t stop him..I wonder what happens to some men that their brain becomes blind to anything you do when they want to rape..He retaliated, slapped me and tore my gown. Heaven and hell helped me..heaven was that tosin and my Aunty rushed into the room because the door was still open..hell because my aunty added another slap to my swollen face
“So you want to accuse my son the way your mother accused my late husband” that was their issue..I was pushed out of the house that night by 10:45pm..tosin stole out and gave me #1500 for my tfare back home to Ibadan, only for Lagos street boys to steal my bag and my tfare..

Episode 3

Have you ever slept outside? Like not in someone’s house but real the open.. Open to both physical and spiritual attack..well I was in this position..I banged my aunty’s gate continuously but it Never opened..I was more than scared..I stayed awake thru out the night. And promised myself I would run home the next morning..and the morning came my bag was money and phone gone!
I cried my eyes out..until I even forgot how to cry self..and then hunger started..I couldn’t just sit and die..I had always watched in the movies of how people survived in the streets..Only this time it was my movie. So I stood up and dust myself up..I tied together the part of my gown Goliath and torn..and then I started roaming about..or should I steal food..hmm nigerians would just kill me..there is something I can do..I walked over a pedestrian bridge..and from up there I could see young boys like myself making good use of the traffic jam..all they did was clean off dust from vehicles with small water bottle and a brush..just like that? And they got tips.. Well not from everyone but at least a good number..I hurried down there and pleaded with one of the boys to let me too..even if I was all dirty Already.. My beauty still helps a lot..I got 200naira! I rushed to the nearest mama put and satisfied my tummy first…what next?..I needed an urgent job..I attempted a car wash but they needed just guys..I got to a fast food.. But d--n I was too dirty to present myself..they had a notice “sales rep needed..apply within” I went to the security
“Excuse me Sir”
With my tiny voice.. He was a young man but judging from his appearance I could read he didn’t attempt going to school at all..
“How you dey?”.
He replied.. Starring at me
“Plz sir I want to apply for a job here but am too dirty..can you help me with any cloth?”
He licked his lips continuously
Sometimes I would want to blame God for giving me this kind of beauty..but then I can only thank him..because I got the cloths and a long note sheet where I could write my application..
Fortunately the security alerted me that the manager was on his way out..I ran too him and burst in tears explaining heaven and hell to him..why I needed the job urgently..
“OK come and resume tomorrow”
My tears became intense
“OK can start now”
He stared and me with that surprise look. I know he must be wondering if I was from planet earth.
What I do know is..i am strong..and I would survive..

Episode 4

Welcome back! As I earlier explained, I got a job..was I too lucky?
“ Annabel”
A girl same age with me welcomed me to the seemed she was the only one nice to me.. The others had that jealous look on their faces judging from the fact that I was given special treatment from the boss..he allowed me sleep in the girls room..bought clothes for me.. He had invited me to live with him and his family..but i was not ready to be victimized again..I couldn’t tell if his intentions was pure though
“ bukky”
I replied her and offered a smile
“Wow your eyes are pretty”
She gasped and commented in admiration
“Would you two get back to work!”
Madam lizzy shouted at both of us, she was the supervisor..rumour carried it that she was the boss girlfriend just that since I came around the manager had been paying little or no attention to her..”but wetin concern me nah” I thought..she was beginning to get on my nerves..
“Annabel go on your knees now”
She ordered..what! How ridiculous
“Get me a cane”
She went further and lashed Annabel at the back yard..I tried to bear the screams..I was in charge of sales that day I couldn’t leave the counter.. But this was too much..I bounced to her
“Madam please stop this”
I met her red eyes
“Are you mad?!”
She rage like a wounded we had an unsettled quarrel
“Madam with all due respect..i have not worked much but I believe it is not stated in the rules and regulation of this organisation that it is right to physically abuse any of the staff”
She stopped and faced me
“You dare challenge me?”
She raised her hand to slap me
“Don’t you Dare”
I warned..she noticed the boldness in my tone and thing my father had always taught me was never to be intimidated when am right
“Annabel let’s go”
I picked her up and took her back to the counter
Later that night I was summoned to the manager’s office where the issue was tabled..but it all ended in my favour when all the staff that witnessed the scene spoke out for me..the marks of her abuse was still visible on Annabel’s body..she was suspended for a week..
Hurray! You would now say I am the hero right?! A piece of advice my dear readers..never be the is much more easier if you mind your business..
A week later Lizzy was back from suspension..she was calm and I was very glad for that..little did i know she had planned something big..
Later that night after we’ve closed for the day

Episode 5

Later that night.. Lizzy, the manager and the securities marched into the ladies room where Annabel and myself were fast asleep..I had been with Annabel thru out the day so when I heard the accusation it was just ridiculous..
“You think I didn’t see you when you took the money?” Lizzy said
“What?! Jesus! No o I have been with Annabel thru out o..Annabel tell them”
Well my dear reader.. People you trust most might just fail you..
“No oo..its not me and you”
She denied me flat.. To my face..
Before I could say another word..Lizzy slapped me
“Call the police”
She ordered
The manger protested..
He was sad and disappointed..
“Bukky pack your things and Leave first thing tomorrow morning”
I was not given a chance to plead..
“Bukky am sorry i was scared”
Annabel kept apologizing but of what use I wonder
The next morning as I walked out..Lizzy ran after me..
“Lizzy you know I didn’t steal that money..its not fair”
She said something that took me thru all my hard times in life
“Thats it is never fair”
I starred at her devilish smile and with the hurt I made a Promise
“You would clean my shoes one day..this I promise you”
She laughed at it but I meant it..
I was determined to make it out is now the survival of the fittest..i slept under the bridge for 3days..searching for a job to no avail..I wonder how it was easy to get the first..until one day I came across my was boldly written
“House of earl fashion”… A fashion house!!
I don’t know how but I must get in there..
I dust my clothes.. I had to plead for pure water to wash my face..and then I rushed over there..
The security won’t let me in..of course I wasn’t presentable..what do I do?
OK I decided to wave at every car I saw going in and out of the house.. Some laughed and some stopped to give me money.. But no one could help me get in..
Until one stopped and I was beginning to think she was my saviour but she asked
” who is this pig”
I pointed at myself
She was actually asking the security why they let a pig stand at the gate of a fashion house..
I noticed they were three of them
But I have suffered pig?..
Well I won’t blame them..I really did look like a pig.. I bodly approach them
The girl handling the steering shouted and waved me off like I was a fly
“Vodka come on now..she is a human being”
The lady sitting at the back seat corrected
“Chai God bless you sister
I blest her in my mind
“Although she smells so bad..

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