ENG to TUR translation (1500 words)

Project Details is the official website of the Byteball cryptocurrency (bytes). Byteball enables users to add specific rules to unlock payments. The money can only be spent if the required conditions are met. Users can send bytes P2P or buy goods from a merchant's bot via chat. It can also be used as a betting/prediction mechanism.
I joined the translation of this project because I thought I could translate it correctly with taking the context into consideration as well. Other people might want to translate the project to their own language because it is a well structured cryptocurrency and they can learn about it while also helping the developers by translating it.

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

Turkish. There are about 200 words left to translate in this project.

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1500

Proofread Words


Previous translation on the same project

This is my first contribution to the project

Additional Information

I translated the project in 4 days. There were a few strings (around 200 words) that contained words that I wasn't fully sure about, so I left them untranslated. I also used TM in 29 ,and MT in 15 words.


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